Tension in cable in Simscape

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi there,
Is there a direct way to get the tension in a cable in Simscape when using pulleys and belts?
Looking at the documentation, there doesnt seem to be anything under the Belt-cabel properties.
Is the work arounf the torque on the pulley with the radius to get the cabel tension?
Thanks in advance


Steve Miller
Steve Miller 2022-11-18
Tension needs to be measured at the end of the cable. I recommend you have at the end of the cable
Belt-Cable-End <=> Rigid Transform <=> Translational Joint with a stiff spring on Internal Mechanics <=> Rigid transform.
You can measure the force from the Translational Joint.
  2 个评论
Suphakit Auengcharoensub
hello .
I have a question . can i measure length of belt-cable end ?
ANIMESH 2024-4-10
I ' m also tring to measure the tension in my belt or cable. The belt connection is between several pulleys and i want to know the tension between them. For this i break my connection and add 2 belt-cable end at each end and in between them i added a pin slot joint, but the issue is at the start of my simulation, the arrangment starts from origin and my simulation terminates. I tried with rigid transformation but i don't know how to use it correctly. Will be able to guide me in this context?


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