Unable to connect input of modeled PMSM to inverter output

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I modelled permanent magnet synchronous motor using the necessary equations in simulink together with inverter but I could not connect the output of the inverter to the input of the PMSM even though I have tried PS-Simulink and Simulink-PS. It could not interface between the two.
What to do in this situation ??

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Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel 2022-8-8
Hello Anwesha,
you can start here and do not need your own equations: https://www.mathworks.com/help/physmod/sps/ug/three-phase-pmsm-drive.html
Otherwise, you'll need to interface between your model and the simscape model with controlled current sources and voltage sensors. You can sense the line voltage from the ineverter and pass that as an input to your simulink model, then take the calculated current and pass that into a controlled current source attatched to the inverter (you'll need multiple sources and sensors since it is a multi-phase system).


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