Is it possible to generate a sine wave like this? I tried combining 50hz, 100hz and 200hz together but I did not get something like this picture that I provided here.

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Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson 2022-8-4
Yes it is possible. You will have to make the phase-angle match at the frequency transitions (for simplicity make the time-windows an even number of periods for all three frequencies). And you will have to think about what you get at the transitions.
  1 个评论
Sabbir Ahmed
Sabbir Ahmed 2022-8-9
Thanks, I was able to write a code for that.
t = -0:0.001:0.25;
x = 384*sin(2*pi*t*20)+384;
y = 384*sin(2*pi*t*100)+384;
z = 384*sin(2*pi*t*200)+384;
z1 = (t>=0 & t<0.15);
z2 = (t>=0.15 & t<0.2);
z3 = (t>=0.2 & t<0.25);
%mixed signal
result = z1.*x + z2.*y + z3.*z;


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