Multi Colors and Legend for each bar

63 次查看(过去 30 天)
How do I set Multi Colors and Legend for each bar? Here I have given below my code
close all;
y = [467000, 150777, 20915, 229073, 95844];
set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'DG', 'PV', 'Converter', 'Battery', 'Flywheel'})
xlabel ('Components','fontweight','bold','FontSize',15)
ylabel ('Net Present Cost($)','fontweight','bold','FontSize',15)
grid on


dpb 2022-8-5
编辑:dpb 2022-8-9
Slightly different, using a colorbar is nice alternative; legend is somewhat problematical owing to design of bar in that it's only a single object with one vector --
y = [467000, 150777, 20915, 229073, 95844];
x=categorical({'DG', 'PV', 'Converter', 'Battery', 'Flywheel'}); % turn x into categorical variable
C=colororder; % retrieve default colororder vector
hB.CData=C(1:numel(y),:); % use first N
grid on
ylabel ('Net Present Cost($)','fontweight','bold','FontSize',15)
hAx=gca; % get current axes handle
hAx.YAxis.TickLabelFormat='%0.1f'; % fix up the funky numeric display
% now add a legend by faking another plot that will create the handles...
hold on
hA=area(x,nan(numel(x))); % area will be patch
hLg=legend(hA,categories(x)); % legend it...
Again, that one has to resort to workarounds to do something that should be easily done by direct action with bar continues to illustrate how poor its UI/internal design is. While such games are sometimes entertaining and intriguing to see how clever one can get, It's not productive time spent and detracts from accomplishing the real job at hand in timely manner.
The above produces(*)
(*) Sans the y axis cleanup that's not in the copy I saved/attached...
For releases of MATLAB prior to incorporation of categorical variables on x-axis (not sure precisely when)...
components={'DG', 'PV', 'Converter', 'Battery', 'Flywheel'};
y = [467000, 150777, 20915, 229073, 95844];
C=colororder; % retrieve default colororder vector
hB.CData=C(1:numel(y),:); % use first N
grid on
ylabel ('Net Present Cost($)','fontweight','bold','FontSize',15)
hAx=gca; % get current axes handle
hAx.YAxis.TickLabelFormat='%0.1f'; % fix up the funky numeric display
% now add a legend by faking another plot that will create the handles...
hold on
hA=area(nan(numel(components))); % area will be patch
set(hA,{'FaceColor'},mat2cell(hB.CData,[ones(size(y))],[3])) % set areas to match bar face colors
hLg=legend(hA,components); % legend it...
  6 个评论
AZ Sajjad
AZ Sajjad 2022-10-22
A lot of thanks, sir, for giving your precious time.
I'm also sorry for selecting the Accepted Answer lately.
dpb 2022-10-22
No problem, glad to help...and thank you for coming back, belatedly or not... :)


更多回答(1 个)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2022-8-5
编辑:Adam Danz 2022-11-13
Colorbar option
This is based on the solution from this thread.
barData = rand(1,5);
bh = bar(barData);
% set bar color
bh.FaceColor = 'flat';
bh.CData = jet(numel(barData)); % use any colormap you'd like
% Add colorbar with categorical color labels
cb = colorbar();
cb.YTick = 0.5 : 1 : numel(barData);
cb.TickLabels = {'Plovdiv','Varna','Burgas','Ruse','Haskovo'};
cb.TickLabelInterpreter = 'none';
cb.FontSize = 8;
bh.Parent.Position(3) = 0.55; % make the axis narrower to fit the colorbar labels.
Legend option
You can create each bar separately and specify its x-values.
% barData = rand(1,5)
colors = jet(numel(barData));
names = {'Plovdiv','Varna','Burgas','Ruse','Haskovo'};
fig = figure();
ax = axes(fig);
h = gobjects(size(barData));
for i = 1:numel(barData)
h(i) = bar(ax, i, barData(i), ...
'FaceColor', colors(i,:), ...
'DisplayName', names{i});
xlim(ax, [0.25, numel(barData)+0.75])
  3 个评论
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2022-8-7
编辑:Adam Danz 2022-8-7
You don't even need the padding. I'll update my answer since this is better than my second option.
y = [2 4 3 5 2]; % bar heights
colors = lines(numel(y));
names = {'Plovdiv','Varna','Burgas','Ruse','Haskovo'};
fig = figure();
ax = axes(fig);
h = gobjects(size(y));
for i = 1:numel(y)
h(i) = bar(ax, i, y(i), ...
'FaceColor', colors(i,:), ...
'DisplayName', names{i});
xlim(ax, [0.25, numel(y)+0.75])
dpb 2022-8-7
编辑:dpb 2022-8-7
"You don't even need the padding."
But then you must manually fix up the axes limits as
xlim(ax, [0.25, numel(y)+0.75])
which IMO is more problematical to get right. That's the reason hold on wasn't done first as well plus using the x vector expicitly--when you only plot the one by itself, then you get ticks and xlimits that don't match those from bar() for the same number of bars done natively.
It's a mess...there's no really good solution given the limitations of the internals design.



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