Problem with GPU when training YoloV4 on workstation

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Hi everyone,
I am doing the video detection task on Matlab with YoloV4. I have followed all the stesps as the instructions on MATLAB (
To increase the speed of training, i have change the training option to GPU with "ExcutionEnvironment". However, I am facing the problem with the gpu same like this:
Can anyone recommend the solution for me? Thank you so much.
My training dataset inclde 527 images and the training options and gpu properties are:
  1 个评论
Joss Knight
Joss Knight 2022-9-1
It looks like a memory issue. You have a 32GiB card but only 110MB available. I suspect some basic underlying features can't work with that little memory. Trying resetting your device (reset(gpuDevice)) then put a breakpoint before the call to trainYOLOv4Detector and check that you have plenty of memory available. If that's okay we may have to check the size of your input data.


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