Separate part of function's codes as script?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a question, is it possible to separate the part of a function into a separate script, which still can get access to inputs of original function and give values back to caller function?
<File 1: f.m>
function f()
input = 1;
% Call the script
output = output + 1;
<File 2: script.m>
output = input + 1;


Stephen23 2015-2-16
编辑:Stephen23 2015-2-16
Why don't you try it and find out?
Or you could read MATLAB's very helpful documentation on workspaces : When you call a script from a function, the script uses the function workspace.
This means a script can use any variables already existing in the function's workspace, and any variables it creates or alters will remain in that function's workspace. But actually I would recommend that you call another function, rather than a script (unless you have a good reason to do so). You could make this a local function too.
There are lots of other useful things to know about scripts and functions, and explanations of their main differences .

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