where can I get the supporting file "helperVie​wDirection​AndDepth.m​" for Monocular Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Where can I find the supporting files for https://in.mathworks.com/help/vision/ug/monocular-visual-simultaneous-localization-and-mapping.html . I'm unable to find some of the supporting files to understand the flow of the example provided.
Please help me.

回答(2 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-8-28
Note that the following will not be of any use to you if you do not have Computer Vision Toolbox, a new enough version to have the example, R2020b or later.
ED = fullfile(matlabroot, 'examples', 'vision', 'main');
MSL = fullfile(ED, 'MonocularVisualSimultaneousLocalizationAndMappingExample.mlx');
disp('main example file is at'); ls(MSL);
disp('helperAddLoopConnections at'); ls(fullfile(ED, 'helperAddLoopConnections.m'))
disp('helperAddNewKeyFrame at'); ls(fullfile(ED, 'helperAddNewKeyFrame.m'))
disp('helperCheckLoopClosure at'); ls(fullfile(ED, 'helperCheckLoopClosure.m'))
disp('helperComputeFundamentalMatrix inside main example file')
disp('helperComputeHomography inside main example file')
disp('helperCreateNewMapPoints at'); disp(fullfile(ED, 'helperCreateNewMapPoints.m'))
disp('helperCullRecentMapPoints inside main example file')
disp('helperDetectAndExtractFeatures inside main example file')
disp('helperEstimateTrajectoryError inside main example file')
disp('helperLocalBundleAdjustment at'); disp(fullfile(ED, 'helperLocalBundleAdjustment.m'))
disp('helperTriangulateTwoFrames inside main example file')
disp('helperUpdateGlobalMap inside main example file')
disp('helperViewDirectionAndDepth at'); disp(fullfile(ED, 'helperViewDirectionAndDepth.m'))
disp('helperVisualizeMatchedFeatures at'); disp(fullfile(ED, 'helperVisualizeMatchedFeatures.m'))
disp('helperVisualizeMotionAndStructure at'); disp(fullfile(ED, 'helperVisualizeMatchedFeatures.m'))

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2022-8-28
If you have a sufficiently recent release of Computer Vision Toolbox installed, click the Copy Command button on that example page. Paste that command into MATLAB and execute it. This will open the example and make the current directory the one that contains the files associated with the example, including the supporting / helper files that were created for use by the example.


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