Making a *.m file "read only."

36 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have several *.m files that are finished. However, I would like to set breakpoints in the debugger and watch the flow of data through them. However, I do not want to accidentally modify any of this code. Is there some way to make these routines "read only" so I can't accidentally modify them? I know I can do it at the OS level but does Matlab have the functional ability to accomplish this.


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2015-2-17
编辑:Sean de Wolski 2015-2-17
MATLAB doesn't have the ability to do this. However, you could use a source control system like SVN or GIT to monitor them. Then you'd be able to see if any changes had been made since the last commit and what those changes are (in case you do decide to add a comment or something!). In R2014b, you can do this from the current folder browser.

更多回答(1 个)

per isakson
per isakson 2015-2-17
编辑:per isakson 2015-2-17
I didn't read your question to the last sentence, but don't delete my answer.
I use this function, cmd_read_only to avoid editing files, which I open in the editor just to refresh my memory. Together with this file I have (on another computer) a shortcut that runs the file on the current file. Windows only!
function varargout = cmd_read_only( filespec, action )
% cmd_read_only sets or clears the attribute, read-only, of file
% Example:
% sts = cmd_read_only( 'c:\m\my_file.txt', 'on' )
% sts = cmd_read_only( 'c:\m\my_file.txt', 'off' )
% ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A ] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [+I | -I]
% [drive:][path][filename] [/S [/D] [/L]]
% + Sets an attribute.
% - Clears an attribute.
% R Read-only file attribute.
% See also: fileattrib
narginchk( 2, 2 )
str = validatestring( action, {'on','off'} );
assert( exist( filespec, 'file' ) == 2 ...
, 'Pia:cmd_read_only:cannotFindFile' ...
, 'Cannot find file, "%s"' ...
, value2short( filespec ) )
if strcmp( str, 'on' )
dos_cmd = sprintf( 'attrib +R %s', filespec );
message = 'read-only: ON';
dos_cmd = sprintf( 'attrib -R %s', filespec );
message = 'read-only: OFF';
[ sts, msg ] = system( dos_cmd );
assert( sts == 0 ...
, 'Pia:cmd_read_only:FailedSetAttribute' ...
, 'Failed to set attribute: "%"' ...
, msg )
if nargout == 0
disp( message )
varargout = {};
elseif nargout == 1
varargout = { sts };
elseif nargout == 2
varargout = { sts, msg };
error('Wrong number of outputs')


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