saving in new folder by using saveas

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hi, this is my code. I would like to save all images from saveas into polar plots folder which was created in the current directory.
Please help. thanks.
rho = [AUC_zeroA_avg AUC_zeroB_avg AUC_zeroC_avg AUC_zeroD_avg AUC_zeroE_avg AUC_zeroF_avg AUC_zeroG_avg AUC_zeroH_avg AUC_zeroA_avg];
rho = rho./max(rho,[],2);
for i = 1: size (OSI,1)
if OSI (i) > 0.5
theta = 0 : pi/4: 2*pi;
p (i) = figure (i);
polarplot (theta, rho (i,:));
pax = gca;
pax.ThetaDir = 'clockwise';
pax.ThetaZeroLocation = 'right';
pax.RTickLabel = []; %remove rho values inside polar plot
hlines = findall(gcf,'Type','line'); set(hlines,'LineWidth',3); %inside lines thicker
rl = rlim; hold on
polarplot([0 pi], rl(2)*[1 1], 'k--'); %connecting 0 and 180
polarplot([3*pi/2 pi/2], rl(2)*[1 1], 'k--'); %connecting 90 and 270
polarplot(linspace(0, 2*pi, 61), rl(2)*ones(61,1), 'k-', 'LineWidth', 2) %making border thicker
grid off;
title (sprintf('ROI %d: OSI %0.2f DSI %0.2f', i, OSI(i), DSI (i)))
mkdir polar plots
saveas (p (i),strcat('ROI', '_', num2str(i), '_', 'OSI', '_', num2str (OSI(i)), 'DSI', '_', num2str (DSI(i)), '.jpeg'));
close all


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-8-31
outdir = 'polar plots';
if ~exist(outdir, 'dir'); mkdir(outdir); end
rho = [AUC_zeroA_avg AUC_zeroB_avg AUC_zeroC_avg AUC_zeroD_avg AUC_zeroE_avg AUC_zeroF_avg AUC_zeroG_avg AUC_zeroH_avg AUC_zeroA_avg];
rho = rho./max(rho,[],2);
for i = 1: size (OSI,1)
if OSI (i) > 0.5
theta = 0 : pi/4: 2*pi;
p(i) = figure (i);
polarplot(theta, rho(i,:));
pax = gca;
thetaticks(pax, 0:45:315)
pax.ThetaDir = 'clockwise';
pax.ThetaZeroLocation = 'right';
pax.RTickLabel = []; %remove rho values inside polar plot
hlines = findall(p(i),'Type','line'); set(hlines,'LineWidth',3); %inside lines thicker
rl = rlim(pax); hold(pax, 'on');
polarplot(pax, [0 pi], rl(2)*[1 1], 'k--'); %connecting 0 and 180
polarplot(pax, [3*pi/2 pi/2], rl(2)*[1 1], 'k--'); %connecting 90 and 270
polarplot(pax, linspace(0, 2*pi, 61), rl(2)*ones(61,1), 'k-', 'LineWidth', 2) %making border thicker
grid(pax, 'off');
title([ax, sprintf('ROI %d: OSI %0.2f DSI %0.2f', i, OSI(i), DSI (i)))
imgname = "ROI_" + i + "_OSI_" + OSI(i) + "DSI_" + DSI(i) + ".jpeg";
outfile = fullfile(outdir, imgname);
saveas(p(i), outfile);

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