While loops & multiple variables

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
conor meaney
conor meaney 2015-2-21
Hi There,
I've run into an issue whilst using a while loop in my script involving iterations. The loop must end once a certain number of variables in the script converges to a pre-defined error value/limiing criterion between the nth and n-1th iteration.
while abs(xn - xn-1) >= limiting criteron
That's fine for one variable and works as wanted.. as soon as the variable on the left become less than the limiting criterion, it ends.
What I wanted to do is the same idea but with multiple variables requiring this limiting criterion i.e. I want it to keep iterating so that multiple variables converge to less than this value. (assuming convergence exists).
My attempt is something along the lines of:
while [abs(xn - xn-1), abs(yn - yn-1), abs(zn-zn-1)] <= [limiting criterion, limiting criterion, limiting criterion]
What appears to be happening is as soon as any of the variables becomes less than this limiting criterion, the loop ends, but what I want to happen is it to keep iterating until all the variables are less than the limiting criterion, again assuming convergence exists.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
  2 个评论
Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell 2015-2-21
I presume you intended >= in the second example?
conor meaney
conor meaney 2015-2-21
Yes apologies, it should read '>=' in the second example!


回答(2 个)

Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell 2015-2-21
Your while condition returns a logical vector, and if any of its components is false the whole thing is false and the loop ends. What you need is
while any([abs(xn - xn-1), abs(yn - yn-1), abs(zn-zn-1)] >= [limiting criterion, limiting criterion, limiting criterion])
  1 个评论
conor meaney
conor meaney 2015-2-21
Perfect, works like a treat and a simple edit to the script.


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-2-21
continueWithLoop = true;
while continueWithLoop
% Some code....
% Check if we can quit loop or need to continue
continueWithLoop = abs(x(n) - x(n-1)) > limitingCriterion || ...
abs(y(n) - y(n-1)) > limitingCriterion || ...
abs(z(n) - z(n-1)) > limitingCriterion
  5 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-2-22
  1. xn should be x(n)
  2. xn-1 should be x(n-1)
  3. yn should be y(n)
  4. yn-1 should be y(n-1)
  5. zn should be z(n)
  6. zn-1 should be z(n-1)
  7. Each of the three instances of "limiting criterion" should be "limitingCriterion" since variables can't have spaces in their names.
Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell 2015-2-22
编辑:Andrew Newell 2015-2-22
Oh. I was viewing it as pseudocode and assuming the actual code was mostly correct.



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