problem of reshaping of image in ofdm related project

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
sir, I run the main file of project than i got this error-
Error in ==> mainfile1 at 31 x = reshape(x', 1, w*h);
i didnt understand why this error is occured,and what is the solution of it.I tried so much to overcome this error but can not get the solution.pease help me its urgent.i have attached the main file. main file-
% Senjor Project: OFDM Simulation using MATLAB
% Student: Paul Lin
% Professor: Dr. Cheng Sun
% Date: June, 2010
% *************** MAIN PROGRAM FILE *************** %
% This is the OFDM simulation program's main file.
% It requires a 256-grayscale bitmap file (*.bmp image file) as data source
% and the following 5 script and function m-files to work:
% ofdm_parameters.m, ofdm_base_convert.m, ofdm_modulate.m,
% ofdm_frame_detect.m, ofdm_demod.m
% ####################################################### %
% ************* OFDM SYSTEM INITIALIZATION: ************* %
% **** setting up parameters & obtaining source data **** %
% ####################################################### %
% Turn off exact-match warning to allow case-insensitive input files
clear all; % clear all previous data in MATLAB workspace
close all; % close all previously opened figures and graphs
fprintf('#*********** OFDM Simulation ************#\n')
% invoking ofdm_parameters.m script to set OFDM system parameters
% save parameters for receiver
% read data from input file
x = imread('file_in.jpg');
% arrange data read from image for OFDM processing
h = size(x,1);
w = size(x,2);
x = reshape(x', 1, w*h);
baseband_tx = double(x);
% convert original data word size (bits/word) to symbol size (bits/symbol)
% symbol size (bits/symbol) is determined by choice of modulation method
baseband_tx = ofdm_base_convert(baseband_tx, word_size, symb_size);
% save original baseband data for error calculation later
save('err_calc.mat', 'baseband_tx');
% ####################################################### %
% ******************* OFDM TRANSMITTER ****************** %
% ####################################################### %
tic; % start stopwatch
% generate header and trailer (an exact copy of the header)
f = 0.25;
header = sin(0:f*2*pi:f*2*pi*(head_len-1));
header = header+sin(0:f*2*pi:f*2*pi*(head_len-1));
% arrange data into frames and transmit
frame_guard = zeros(1, symb_period);
time_wave_tx = [];
symb_per_carrier = ceil(length(baseband_tx)/carrier_count);
fig = 1;
if (symb_per_carrier > symb_per_frame) % === multiple frames === %
power = 0;
while ~isempty(baseband_tx)
% number of symbols per frame
frame_len = min(symb_per_frame*carrier_count,length(baseband_tx));
frame_data = baseband_tx(1:frame_len);
% update the yet-to-modulate data
baseband_tx = baseband_tx((frame_len+1):(length(baseband_tx)));
% OFDM modulation
time_signal_tx = ofdm_modulate(frame_data,ifft_size,carriers,...
conj_carriers, carrier_count, symb_size, guard_time, fig);
fig = 0; %indicate that ofdm_modulate() has already generated plots
% add a frame guard to each frame of modulated signal
time_wave_tx = [time_wave_tx frame_guard time_signal_tx];
frame_power = var(time_signal_tx);
% scale the header to match signal level
power = power + frame_power;
% The OFDM modulated signal for transmission
time_wave_tx = [power*header time_wave_tx frame_guard power*header];
else % === single frame === %
% OFDM modulation
time_signal_tx = ofdm_modulate(baseband_tx,ifft_size,carriers,...
conj_carriers, carrier_count, symb_size, guard_time, fig);
% calculate the signal power to scale the header
power = var(time_signal_tx);
% The OFDM modulated signal for transmission
time_wave_tx = ...
[power*header frame_guard time_signal_tx frame_guard power*header];
% show summary of the OFDM transmission modeling
peak = max(abs(time_wave_tx(head_len+1:length(time_wave_tx)-head_len)));
sig_rms = std(time_wave_tx(head_len+1:length(time_wave_tx)-head_len));
peak_rms_ratio = (20*log10(peak/sig_rms));
fprintf('\nSummary of the OFDM transmission and channel modeling:\n')
fprintf('Peak to RMS power ratio at entrance of channel is: %f dB\n', ...
% ####################################################### %
% **************** COMMUNICATION CHANNEL **************** %
% ####################################################### %
% ===== signal clipping ===== %
clipped_peak = (10^(0-(clipping/20)))*max(abs(time_wave_tx));
= clipped_peak.*time_wave_tx(find(abs(time_wave_tx)>=clipped_peak))...
% ===== channel noise ===== %
power = var(time_wave_tx); % Gaussian (AWGN)
SNR_linear = 10^(SNR_dB/10);
noise_factor = sqrt(power/SNR_linear);
noise = randn(1,length(time_wave_tx)) * noise_factor;
time_wave_rx = time_wave_tx + noise;
% show summary of the OFDM channel modeling
peak = max(abs(time_wave_rx(head_len+1:length(time_wave_rx)-head_len)));
sig_rms = std(time_wave_rx(head_len+1:length(time_wave_rx)-head_len));
peak_rms_ratio = (20*log10(peak/sig_rms));
fprintf('Peak to RMS power ratio at exit of channel is: %f dB\n', ...
% Save the signal to be received
save('received.mat', 'time_wave_rx', 'h', 'w');
fprintf('#******** OFDM data transmitted in %f seconds ********#\n\n', toc)
% ####################################################### %
% ********************* OFDM RECEIVER ******************* %
% ####################################################### %
disp('Press any key to let OFDM RECEIVER proceed...')
clear all; % flush all data stored in memory previously
tic; % start stopwatch
% invoking ofdm_parameters.m script to set OFDM system parameters
% receive data
time_wave_rx = time_wave_rx.';
end_x = length(time_wave_rx);
start_x = 1;
data = [];
phase = [];
last_frame = 0;
unpad = 0;
if rem(w*h, carrier_count)~=0
unpad = carrier_count - rem(w*h, carrier_count);
fig = 0;
for k = 1:num_frame
if k==1 || k==num_frame || rem(k,max(floor(num_frame/10),1))==0
fprintf('Demodulating Frame #%d\n',k)
% pick appropriate trunks of time signal to detect data frame
if k==1
time_wave = time_wave_rx(start_x:min(end_x, ...
time_wave = time_wave_rx(start_x:min(end_x, ...
((start_x-1) + (symb_period*((symb_per_frame+1)/2+1)))));
% detect the data frame that only contains the useful information
frame_start = ...
ofdm_frame_detect(time_wave, symb_period, envelope, start_x);
if k==num_frame
last_frame = 1;
frame_end = min(end_x, (frame_start-1) + symb_period*...
frame_end=min(frame_start-1+(symb_per_frame+1)*symb_period, end_x);
% take the time signal abstracted from this frame to demodulate
time_wave = time_wave_rx(frame_start:frame_end);
% update the label for leftover signal
start_x = frame_end - symb_period;
if k==ceil(num_frame/2)
fig = 1;
% demodulate the received time signal
[data_rx, phase_rx] = ofdm_demod...
(time_wave, ifft_size, carriers, conj_carriers, ...
guard_time, symb_size, word_size, last_frame, unpad, fig);
if fig==1
fig = 0; % indicate that ofdm_demod() has already generated plots
phase = [phase phase_rx];
data = [data data_rx];
phase_rx = phase; % decoded phase
data_rx = data; % received data
% convert symbol size (bits/symbol) to file word size (bits/byte) as needed
data_out = ofdm_base_convert(data_rx, symb_size, word_size);
fprintf('#********** OFDM data received in %f seconds *********#\n\n', toc)
% ####################################################### %
% ********************** DATA OUTPUT ******************** %
% ####################################################### %
% patch or trim the data to fit a w-by-h image
if length(data_out)>(w*h) % trim extra data
data_out = data_out(1:(w*h));
elseif length(data_out)<(w*h) % patch a partially missing row
buff_h = h;
h = ceil(length(data_out)/w);
% if one or more rows of pixels are missing, show a message to indicate
if h~=buff_h
disp('WARNING: Output image smaller than original')
disp(' due to data loss in transmission.')
% to make the patch nearly seamless,
% make each patched pixel the same color as the one right above it
if length(data_out)~=(w*h)
for k=1:(w*h-length(data_out))
data_out = [data_out mend];
% format the demodulated data to reconstruct a bitmap image
data_out = reshape(data_out, w, h)';
data_out = uint8(data_out);
% save the output image to a bitmap (*.bmp) file
imwrite(data_out, file_out, 'bmp');
% ####################################################### %
% ****************** ERROR CALCULATIONS ***************** %
% ####################################################### %
% collect original data before modulation for error calculations
fprintf('\n#**************** Summary of Errors ****************#\n')
% Let received and original data match size and calculate data loss rate
if length(data_rx)>length(baseband_tx)
data_rx = data_rx(1:length(baseband_tx));
phase_rx = phase_rx(1:length(baseband_tx));
elseif length(data_rx)<length(baseband_tx)
fprintf('Data loss in this communication = %f%%(%d out of %d)\n', ...
(length(baseband_tx)-length(data_rx))/length(baseband_tx)*100, ...
length(baseband_tx)-length(data_rx), length(baseband_tx))
% find errors
errors = find(baseband_tx(1:length(data_rx))~=data_rx);
fprintf('Total number of errors = %d (out of %d)\n', ...
length(errors), length(data_rx))
% Bit Error Rate
fprintf('Bit Error Rate (BER) = %f%%\n',length(errors)/length(data_rx)*100)
% find phase error in degrees and translate to -180 to +180 interval
phase_tx = baseband_tx*360/(2^symb_size);
phase_err = (phase_rx - phase_tx(1:length(phase_rx)));
phase_err(find(phase_err>=180)) = phase_err(find(phase_err>=180))-360;
phase_err(find(phase_err<=-180)) = phase_err(find(phase_err<=-180))+360;
fprintf('Average Phase Error = %f (degree)\n', mean(abs(phase_err)))
% Error pixels
x = ofdm_base_convert(baseband_tx, symb_size, word_size);
x = uint8(x);
x = x(1:(size(data_out,1)*size(data_out,2)));
y = reshape(data_out', 1, length(x));
err_pix = find(y~=x);
fprintf('Percent error of pixels of the received image = %f%%\n\n', ...
fprintf('#******** END of OFDM Simulation ********#\n')
  5 个评论
ahmed alshammari
ahmed alshammari 2012-2-1
Did find solution to this problem? I am having the same one. If you reached to any answer please let me know.
Tyshawn Colter
Tyshawn Colter 2014-3-12
Did you find the answer to your problem because I am having the same problem?


回答(3 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-12-26
Your file_in.jpg is very likely an RGB ("truecolor") image, with three channels, size(x,3) == 3. When you do the reshape you reshape based upon size(x,1) and size(x,2) only; if size(x,3) is not 1 then the number of elements in x' is not w*h but rather w*h*size(x,3)
Change your
x = imread('file_in.jpg');
x = rgb2gray(imread('file_in.jpg'));

ahmed alshammari
ahmed alshammari 2012-2-1
This does not help could you recommend something else.
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-2-1
Sorry, we need more information about what you are doing, about what your current code is, about the error message and which line of code it is occurring on, and about the size() of each variable involved in the error.


amit chougule
amit chougule 2012-4-12
use the ctranspose function

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