@tyler seudath, I tried double (8 byte) and single (4 byte) floating using little and big endian (4 combinations) but always got INF or NaN for some of the floats.
- Is the SRD recording in an IEEE standard float or other?
- Or just producing N byte signed/unsinged integers?
- little or big endian?
You can use these commands to get the 10,010,624 bytes of binary read into a float or integer array, byte swapped as needed modifying the following. If you find you have 16 bit float you will have to try to find a converter; if you expect integer data you can also adjust accordingly. Since I expected to find complex numbers I expected 2xN as indicated:
[FID, message] = fopen('Binary.iq','rb','s'); % the 's' specifies big endian for float formats
[bindata,count] = fread(FID, [2,inf],'*double','s'); % hear trying 8 byte and big endian
iqdata = complex(bindata(1,:),bindata(2,:));