Help with solution of a horrible equation

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
A mechanical engineering problem ends up requiring the solution of the following horrible equation for y as a function of t:
(dy/dt)*(A * cos(t-B*cos(y)) * B * sin(y) - C * cos(y)) + (A * cos(t-B*cos(y)) - cot(y)) = 0
A, B and C are constants (A=1.9, B=0.3, C=1.5). The range of solution is 0.5*pi-->2.5*pi. The initial condition is y(pi/2)=pi/2.
I tried to set this up with ode45 (it ran forever) and ode15i and failed miserably. For ode15i, I tried: [t, y] = ode15i(@odefun, [0.5*pi 2.5*pi], pi/2, 0)
function res = odefun(t, y, yprime) res = yprime *(A * cos(t-B*cos(y)) * B * sin(y) - C * cos(y)) + (A * cos(t-B*cos(y)) - cot(y)); end
Any suggestion on how to set up this equation for solution would be appreciated.

回答(1 个)

rantunes 2015-3-3
Can you please show your implementation?


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