extract Object properties from cell array

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a cell array where each cell is a .NET object called Centroid. It has the following structure.
ans =
Centroid with properties:
x: 112.5769
y: 29.5762
count: 1250
strength: 12.3399
ans =
Centroid with properties:
x: 21.5000
y: 18.0690
count: 58
strength: 12.3400
I would like to plot the x,y values. How do I go about extracting the x and y values for a plot. This was my naive attempt:
plot(u.centers{:}.x, u.centers{:}.y, 'r.');


Guillaume 2015-3-4
This should work:
xy = cell2mat(cellfun(@(c) [c.x; c.y], u.centers, 'UniformOutput', false));
plot(xy(1, :), xy(2, :), 'r.')

更多回答(1 个)

Doctor G
Doctor G 2015-3-4
See figure above


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