plotting this program is causing a problem how to fix it?

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k = 1E-3;
[y(4),y(5),y(6)] = meshgrid(-4:0.25:4,-4:0.25:4,-4:0.25:4);
Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of the right side.
dy(1) = (P - y(1).*((abs(y(4)))^2 +1))./tf;
dy(2) = (P - y(2).*((abs(y(5)))^2 +1))./tf;
dy(3) = (P - y(3).*((abs(y(6)))^2 +1))./tf;
dy(4)= (y(1)-a).*((y(4))./tc) + (k./tc).*(y(5)).*cos(y(7));
dy(5)= (y(2)-a).*((y(5))./tc) + (k./tc).*(y(4)).*cos(y(7)) + (k./tc).*(y(6))*cos(y(8));
dy(6)= (y(3)-a).*((y(6))./tc) + (k./tc).*(y(5)).*cos(y(8));
dy(7) = o(1,1) - (k./tc).*((y(4)./y(5)) + (y(5)./y(4))).*sin(y(7)) + (k./tc).*(y(6)/y(5)).*sin(y(8));
dy(8) = o(1,2) - (k./tc).*((y(5)./y(6)) + (y(6)./y(5))).*sin(y(8)) + (k./tc).*(y(4)/y(5)).*sin(y(7));
r = sqrt((dy(4)).^2 + (dy(5)).^2 + (dy(6)).^2 );
quiver(y(4),y(5),y(6), (dy(4))./r, (dy(5))./r, (dy(6))./r,1/2,'linewidth',1);
hold on;
axisa equal
axis([-4 4 -4 4 -4 4])
while (true)
y0 = ginput(1);
ti = 0;
tf = 1E-2;
tspan=[ti tf];
[T,Y]= ode45(@(t,y) rate_eq(t,y,k),tspan,y0);
function dy = rate_eq(t,y,k)
dy = zeros(8,1);
P = 0.2;
a = 0.1;
tf = 230E-6;
tc = 30E-9;
o(1,1) = 3E4;
o(1,2) = 4E4;
dy(1) = (P - y(1).*((abs(y(4)))^2 +1))./tf;
dy(2) = (P - y(2).*((abs(y(5)))^2 +1))./tf;
dy(3) = (P - y(3).*((abs(y(6)))^2 +1))./tf;
dy(4)= (y(1)-a).*((y(4))./tc) + (k./tc).*(y(5)).*cos(y(7));
dy(5)= (y(2)-a).*((y(5))./tc) + (k./tc).*(y(4)).*cos(y(7)) + (k./tc).*(y(6))*cos(y(8));
dy(6)= (y(3)-a).*((y(6))./tc) + (k./tc).*(y(5)).*cos(y(8));
dy(7) = o(1,1) - (k./tc).*((y(4)./y(5)) + (y(5)./y(4))).*sin(y(7)) + (k./tc).*(y(6)/y(5)).*sin(y(8));
dy(8) = o(1,2) - (k./tc).*((y(5)./y(6)) + (y(6)./y(5))).*sin(y(8)) + (k./tc).*(y(4)/y(5)).*sin(y(7));
% is my algorithm is correct in this? please modify if thereis any possible scenario.


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-10-5
[y(4),y(5),y(6)] = meshgrid(-4:0.25:4,-4:0.25:4,-4:0.25:4);
You want y(4), y(5), y(6) to each represent a matrix of values. You cannot do that with () indexing, but you could do
[y{4},y{5},y{6}] = meshgrid(-4:0.25:4,-4:0.25:4,-4:0.25:4);
Then you have
dy(1) = (P - y(1).*((abs(y(4)))^2 +1))./tf;
ON the right you would have to change that y(4) to y{4}, like
(P - y(1).*((abs(y{4}))^2 +1))./tf;
and then you would have to adjust the ^2 for the fact that you are working with matrices
(P - y(1).*((abs(y{4})).^2 + 1))./tf;
but you have not defined y(1) at this point. If you did use [y{4},y{5},y{6}] = meshgrid(etc) above then y(1) would have been created implicity, but it would be an empty cell and so
dy(1) = (P - y{1}.*((abs(y{4})).^2 + 1))./tf;
would be calculating with empty y{1} and so the calculation is going to return an empty array as a result, so you would further need
dy{1} = (P - y{1}.*((abs(y{4})).^2 + 1))./tf;
but that is a complicated way to calculate what is going to be dy(1) = {[]};
Well, except for the fact that P is not defined at that point, and tf is not defined either.
dy(4)= (y(1)-a).*((y(4))./tc) + (k./tc).*(y(5)).*cos(y(7));
a and tc and k are not defined either... and you have not assigned anything to y(7) ...
dy(7) = o(1,1) - (k./tc).*((y(4)./y(5)) + (y(5)./y(4))).*sin(y(7)) + (k./tc).*(y(6)/y(5)).*sin(y(8));
o is not defined either...
It looks to me as if you are trying to create a bunch of formulas for differential equations. If you were to syms various variables into existence and use syms y [1 7] then you could create the formuals. But you would not be able to plot the formulas until you substituted in numeric values for the symbolic variables.
I recommend that you have a look at the Symbolic Toolbox, in particular at the work-flow used in the first example for odeFunction

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