Installation of MATLAB 2022a stopped at 65%

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have been trying to download the 2022a version for a few days. My applicaiton continuously keeps crashing once it reaches either 65% or 97%. One issue which changed the installation behavior was deselcting the spreadsheets module. Even atfer doing this I have not been able to complete the installation even after keeping the installation all night. I am using a student lisence and I dont think the issue is my laptop hardware as the trial version software was running just fine. I would highly appreciate some help on this. Thank you in advance.

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-10-7
Try r2022b instead, if you can. Installation takes a long time, maybe up to half an hour. How long did you wait?
If you still have trouble then see the FAQ:


Help CenterFile Exchange 中查找有关 Introduction to Installation and Licensing 的更多信息





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