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hi, i am new to image processing and matlab. how can i recognize particular faces in a video stream? i have already divided the video into frames and i have detected the faces. but now how can i recognize particular faces in that frame? whether shoul

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hi, i am new to image processing and matlab. how can i recognize particular faces in a video stream? i have already divided the video into frames and i have detected the faces. but now how can i recognize particular faces in that frame? whether should i use a database for that?

回答(2 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-3-7
See Brett Shoelson's face recognition app about half way down his File Exchange:

Nikolay S.
Nikolay S. 2015-3-17

Hi there.

That is a hard question, with an answer worth lots of $$$.

But briefly saying- you got many methods to find a face in an image. Lets say you've used Viola & Jones, and got the face. You want to know who it belongs to, right? You must have a database, with tagged faces- faces encoded into some feature vector, labeled with names. Now, if a face found by a face detector is similar to one of the database elements- it is probably it. If not it is either a new person, or the face has undergone a change against which the feature vector is not robust (light, glasses, beard, mustache, haircut, pose scale etc..). Regarding the real question to be asked- what is the best feature space to use- a lecture given by Prof. Wolf on " Deep learning " presented very impressive results. Face recognition vai LBP works nicely. Google scholar is fool with papers. You need to choose and try some...

Best regards,



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