Retrieve Simulink model input dimensions using matlab

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I am trying to use matlab to find an input signal block and get its allowed dimension. i am using the get_param function and thought using the compileddimension method would work, but the issue is that the input block at that state is just an input block, there are no associated dimensions of that block yet because the variable has not been created in the matlab workspace yet, but the model knows the allowed dimensions because it back propagates them from its downstream connections and i can see it in the line path of the model, yet the compileddimension method is blank. Can anyone help me on how to pull the allowed dimensions for a signal?


Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2022-10-19
I think Simulink has a series of ways to determine the signal dimensions. Propagation takes higher priority than back propagation, or the priority is determined by settings in the block.
In your snapshot, the model has errors because workspace data has not been located yet. The model won't pass "model update" thus the compileddimension is invalid.
To get compileddimension, the model has to pass "model update".
To pass "model update", the data for the "From Workspace" blocks has to be located.
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