Calling function in fminsearch

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I want to call a function lamda to update initial value in fminsearch.
The initial value of lambda(1) =-1.
I want to update in lambda as lambda(i+1)=lambda(i)-0.01*(lambda(end)).
This computation of lambda should continue until lambda(end) < 0.01. I am not able to call function in fminsearch as FMINSEARCH accepts inputs only of data type double.
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[optimal_lambda,cost] = fminsearch(@cost_lambda, @lamda)
a = optimal_lambda(1)
function cost = cost_lambda(lambda)
part_a = @(t,y)[-0.02*y(1); (y(2)/0.8)*(1/0.8)*exp(0.01*t)];
[t,y]=ode45(part_a, [0 10], [0.5,-1]');
cost = (1-(1/0.01)*(1-exp(-log((-1+(y(1)/0.8)^2)/(0.015*lambda(1)*exp(0.01*t)))))*(1-(y(1)/0.8))^2);
function lambda = lamda(lambda)
for lambda(end)<0.01
Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters.

Error in connector.internal.fevalMatlab

Error in connector.internal.fevalJSON
  3 个评论
Torsten 2022-10-22
编辑:Torsten 2022-10-22
What is the function "lamda" for ? "fminsearch" searches for a value of "lambda" such that the objective function becomes minimal. There is no reason to vary or prescribe lambda on your own. fminsearch will do this for you.



Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2022-10-22
If you mean you want to call fminsearch repeatedly with different initial points, call it in a loop.
f = @sin;
initialPoints = (0:0.5:10).';
solutions = zeros(size(initialPoints));
for k = 1:numel(initialPoints)
x0 = initialPoints(k);
solutions(k) = fminsearch(f, x0);
For ease of display I'll put the points in a table.
results = table(initialPoints, solutions)
results = 21×2 table
initialPoints solutions _____________ _________ 0 -1.5708 0.5 -1.5708 1 -1.5708 1.5 -1.5708 2 4.7124 2.5 4.7124 3 4.7124 3.5 4.7124 4 4.7124 4.5 4.7124 5 4.7124 5.5 4.7124 6 4.7124 6.5 4.7124 7 4.7124 7.5 4.7124
  2 个评论
Yokuna 2022-10-22
Thanks! But I need the initial value as the value obtained in previous iteration of solution.
So initialPoints are not predefined but calculated in each iteration.
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2022-10-22
Okay. I'll use randi to compute my initial points, but you could use another function. In fact you could (except when whichTrial is 1) look at results(whichTrial-1) to use the results from the previous run as x0 for this run.
ntrials = 10;
initialPoints = zeros(ntrials, 1);
results = zeros(ntrials, 1);
f = @sin;
for whichTrial = 1:ntrials
x0 = randi([-10 10]); % You could compute this however you want
initialPoints(whichTrial) = x0; % Record it
results(whichTrial) = fminsearch(f, x0); % Compute with it
Now show the results table.
t = table(initialPoints, results)
t = 10×2 table
initialPoints results _____________ _______ -5 -7.854 -8 -7.854 2 4.7124 -6 -7.854 10 10.996 10 10.996 9 10.996 1 -1.5708 10 10.996 -3 -1.5708


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