How do I get LDAP user information for logged in user into my MATLAB WebApp?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a WebApp server (Windows, R2022a) running a couple of apps, and it is behind LDAP authentication. When a user logs in, I can see that the user information is stored somewhere within the server because the correct username appears in the upper right corner of the main MATLAB WebApp server screen. What I would like to do is access that information inside my app. Is there a MATLAB command within the app that can access the logged in user? I tried:
user = compiler.UserInfo()
but all the fields were empty.
Thank you!

回答(1 个)

Suvansh Arora
Suvansh Arora 2022-10-31
编辑:Suvansh Arora 2022-10-31
Your "userinfo.json" file is missing the "appAccess" section.
Let us assume that we have an example app named "userinfo_app". Then the "userinfo.json" must have the app field access section.
By default it will block access to user information unless explicitly granted. You need to specify app access as root-level element in "userinfo.json", like:
"appAccess": {
"userinfo_app": ["UserID","Email","LastName"]
If you would like to grant access to all user info fields, you can specify appAccess as
"appAccess": {
If you would like to grant all apps access to all user info fields, you can specify appAccess as
"appAccess": {


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