what i have to do is insert an excel table where the coordinates are in degrees, minutes and seconds and convert it to decimal degrees.
the table that is I structured in this way:
ellipses_points_x1 ellipses_points_y1 thickness_cm eruptive_center_x0 eruptive_center_y0 eccentricity volume_published_km3
176° 00' 45,8593 38° 51' 42,6182 200 175°59'0.1,9978 38°79'94,3831 0,74 6
176° 02' 57,5069 38° 52' 19,6326 200
176° 06' 04,0076 38° 46' 34,9070 200
176° 02' 57,5069 38° 47' 09,1154 200
175° 56' 11,5936 38° 35' 12,6413 3
175° 59' 43,6924 38° 32' 26,7981 3
data2 = T_elchichon(:,{'ellipses_points_x1'});
angleInDegrees = dms2degrees(data2);
I have to convert all these coordinates to be able to use them to calculate distances. I found the dms2degrees function but in any case if I select for example a column it does not give me the result. the mistake it gives me is
Error using dms2degrees>validateInput (line 63)
DMS input array must be real-valued.
Error in dms2degrees (line 52)
does the excel table have to be prepared in any particular way?Can anyone help me?