How to RoadRunner Scenario and CARLA Cosimulation on Linux

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
In order to simulate the scenario created with RoadRunner with CARLA, I worked with reference to the tutorial.
Since the tutorial only has methods for the Windows environment, I am having trouble setting it up in the Linux environment.
However, even if the scenario is played with RoadRunner Scenario, the following output is output and CARLA does not start.
> -------------------- Simulation STARTED --------------------
> WARNING: Unable to locate a simulator for actor behavior '{c0d54804-b842-43c3-a72d-81d3d5c1b214}', applying RoadRunner default behavior to this actor.
This is regarding to a behavior with the following attributes:
- Behavior asset: Assets/Behaviors/manualControl.rrbehavior
- Platform type: External
- Platform name: CARLA
The following simulation clients are currently available:
- {99b284f0-cb13-4039-9987-0d4d78fed14b}: RoadRunner
So far I have been able to:
・Import files (.fbx, .xord, .rrdata) exported from RoadRunner to CARLA (.umap)
・Start CARLA with LinuxNoEditor and run a new map
$ /carla/Dist/CARLA_Shipping_0.9.13-1-g8854804f4-dirty/LinuxNoEditor
$ ./
What should I do next?
  3 个评论
Liu 2023-5-30
I have preliminarily solved this problem
It may be that the roadrunner scenario cannot open the carla bridge on its own under Ubuntu.
so we need run the carla bridge ourselve
cd /usr/local/RoadRunner_R2023a/bin/glnxa64/Tools/CARLA/SimulationClient
run this bridge may meet errors:
we need modified some line in
line: 94:
# RR_MAPS_PATH = "/Game/RoadRunner/Maps/"
RR_MAPS_PATH = "/Game/Carla/Maps/"
# self.actor_library_path = None # A json-file to specify RoadRunner to CARLA actor mapping
self.actor_library_path = "/usr/local/RoadRunner_R2023a/bin/glnxa64/Tools/CARLA/examples/actors.json"
hope you can successfully run it
best wishes!


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