Reconstructing a surface from mesh points and function values (from COMSOL)

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
After having gotten more to grips with MATLAB/COMSOL LiveLink, I think I have found how to extract the mesh vertex coordinates and values of the dependent variable at those points.
I have stored these in the variables x, y, and z.
When I run plot3(x,y,z) I get the following (note that x and y are from a triangular mesh and not a rectangular grid):
I then run the following code:
x = x'; y = y'; z = z'; % Making sure these are column vectors
F = scatteredInterpolant(x,y,z);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Z = F(X,Y);
This seems to be a common way of constructing a surface plot from vectors that I have found online.
However, the surface plot I get looks awful:
This is the plot that the COMSOL GUI provides.
Does anyone know how I can fix it so that the surface plot produced by MATLAB (a) is much smoother, and (b) doesn't leave jagged edges at the boundary of the domain?

回答(1 个)

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson 2022-11-9
Are you sure that you need to use scatteredInterpolant at all? The points in the first plot seem to be on a regular grid. If that is the case then you're already done. If they are on a regular grid but given in some obscure ordering, you should be able to sort them into a correct order, hopefully using reshape and permute.
If your x and y are 2-D arrays you can check that things are OK byt looking at them:
x = x'; y = y'; z = z';
x = reshape(x,[14 14]);
y = reshape(y,[14 14]);
z = reshape(z,[14 14]);
It is definitely your call to meshgrid with repeated values in x and y that generates peculiarly ordered X or Y. Test this snippet just after your meshgrid call.
  8 个评论
Oliver Bond
Oliver Bond 2023-2-8
编辑:Oliver Bond 2023-2-8
Sorry for the profusely long delay in replying. I have found something that very nearly does what I want. I discovered the surfir script that somebody created. It almost works in my case - however there are still a couple of pairs of points that are being incorrectly interpolated between. The domain is T-shaped (as I have illustrated with the black lines that I've drawn on myself), but there are two triangular portions that should not be there because there are no z-values that have points inside those domains as their corresponding x- and y-values.
Since it has been a long time since I asked this question, I will create a new one.
Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson 2023-2-8
If you look into surfir you will see that it is an explicit use of the suggestions I've made:
% Below I will mark my comments BG
% h=surfir(x,y,z,s,opt)
% Surface plot based on irregularly spaced data points.
% x,y,z are coordinate vectors of the same length.
% s (default 0.5) is the shrink factor in the Matlab function 'boundary'
% (type 'help boundary' for details)
% opt is a list of options to be passed to the 'trisurf' function
% (type 'help trisurf' for details)
function h=surfir(x,y,z,s,opt)
%% default parameters
if (nargin<4)||isempty(s) % no shrink factor provided
s=0.5; % default value
if nargin<5 % no options provided
opt={'FaceColor','interp','edgecolor','none'}; % default
%% Remove duplicate data points
[xy,ind] = unique([x,y],'rows');
%% triangulate data points
% BG - here the dealaunay-triangulation I suggested is done:
dt = delaunayTriangulation(x, y); % Delaunay triangulation
%% find enclosing boundary
k=boundary(x,y,s); % define boundary enclosing all data points
c=[k(1:end-1),k(2:end)]; % constraints
dt.Constraints=c; % add constraints
io = dt.isInterior(); % triangles which are in the interior of domain
tri=dt.ConnectivityList; % read triangles
tri=tri(io,:); % use only triangles in the interior
%% plot
% BG - Here the function uses trisurf to make the plot
h=trisurf(tri,x,y,z,z,opt{:}); % plot triangles and interpolate colors
The triangulation will return a triangulation that covers the convex hull around your points. You would somehow find a way to remove those triangles that lie outside of the boundary you like.
Perhaps you can figure out which triangles that are and what corner-points they have and simply remove those triangles. You could do that programming work yourself, or test different values for the fourth input-argument to surfir.



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