i have created an app where i get the data from a table & display in GUI, i need to get the minimum value/ last value from the table into an editfield, table consists of three rows, i want minimum value data from second & third column, kindly support in this regard
[file,path] = uigetfile('*.xlsx');
app.t = readtable(fullfile(path,file));
app.UITable.Data = app.t;
app.t = app.UITable.Data;
app.t.Properties.VariableNames(1) = "Time";
app.t.Properties.VariableNames(2) = "Angle RH";
app.t.Properties.VariableNames(3) = "Angle LH";
app.UITable.ColumnName = app.t.Properties.VariableNames;
app.x = table2array(app.t(:,"Time"));
app.y = table2array(app.t(:,"Angle RH"));
app.y1 = table2array(app.t(:,"Angle LH"));
ResultData = plot(app.UIAxes3,app.x,app.y,app.x,app.y1);
app.RHRemainingAngleEditField.Value = AAA;
app.LHRemainingAngleEditField.Value = AAA;