Loop for increment number in file name

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I need to save 10 files "AccelGyro_Gait" with the suffix from 01 to 10, i.e., AccelGyro_Gait_01, AccelGyro_Gait_02...
This is my starting code. But I'm not able to finish it efficiently. Only the last trial
for i = 1:10
run rawP5reader; % Load files
gyro = (ans(2).data);
accel = (ans(1).data(1:length(gyro),:));
timeStamps = (ans(2).timestamps);
zerosMat = zeros(length(timeStamps),7);
zerosMat(:,1) = (timeStamps);
zerosMat(:,2:4) = accel;
zerosMat(:,5:7) = gyro;
AccelGyro_Gait = zerosMat;
% .... Save the file name by adding numbers at the end.


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-11-12
Try this:
outputFolder = pwd; % Or 'C:\whatever'
for i = 1:10
run rawP5reader; % Load files
gyro = (ans(2).data);
accel = (ans(1).data(1:length(gyro),:));
timeStamps = (ans(2).timestamps);
zerosMat = zeros(length(timeStamps),7);
zerosMat(:,1) = (timeStamps);
zerosMat(:,2:4) = accel;
zerosMat(:,5:7) = gyro;
AccelGyro_Gait = zerosMat;
% Save the file name by adding numbers at the end.
baseFileName = sprintf('AccelGyro_Gait_%2.2d.mat', i);
fullFileName = fullfile(outputFolder, baseFileName);
fprintf('Saving "%s".\n', fullFileName);
save(fullFileName, 'AccelGyro_Gait');

更多回答(1 个)

Voss 2022-11-12
Here's one way to generate those file names:
for i = 1:10
current_file_name = sprintf('AccelGyro_Gait_%02d',i)
% then do something with current_file_name,
% e.g., use it as the file to save something to
current_file_name = 'AccelGyro_Gait_01'
current_file_name = 'AccelGyro_Gait_02'
current_file_name = 'AccelGyro_Gait_03'
current_file_name = 'AccelGyro_Gait_04'
current_file_name = 'AccelGyro_Gait_05'
current_file_name = 'AccelGyro_Gait_06'
current_file_name = 'AccelGyro_Gait_07'
current_file_name = 'AccelGyro_Gait_08'
current_file_name = 'AccelGyro_Gait_09'
current_file_name = 'AccelGyro_Gait_10'
  2 个评论
Francis Trombini
Francis Trombini 2022-11-13
Thanks for your answer. I was able to develop some solutions based on your information.
Voss 2022-11-15
You're welcome! Any questions, let me know. Otherwise, please "Accept This Answer". Thanks!



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