How to output centroid coordinate from switch case wihtin loop case

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Hello again. Sorry for my question again.
I have a code to detected the shape using for loop and switch case.
I can plot the centroid on image but I cannot extract the centroid coordinate from it.
I want the centroid coordinate in the form of matrix of excel file or anything that I can use the information in the next step.
This is the code I have. For this code I cannot obtained the all centroid detected within this loop.
Furthermore, this is the code use for 1 image. In short future, I have to read the all images in folders and do this to every image. So, I need to store the centroid coordinate of every image and use it for calculation. I will be so thankful if you can guide me for this.
Thank you in advance.
for i = 1 : length(STATS)
W(i) = uint8(abs(STATS(i).BoundingBox(3)-STATS(i).BoundingBox(4)) < 0.1);
W(i) = W(i) + 2 * uint8((STATS(i).Extent - 1) == 0 );
W(i) = W(i) + 4 * uint8((STATS(i).Extent - 1) <= 0.7854); %Extent = pi/4 case ellipse/circle
centroid = STATS(i).Centroid;
switch W(i)
case 5
x_centroid = centroid(1:2:end);
y_centroid = centroid(2:2:end);
case 2
case 3
%case 4

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2022-11-14
Put all that in a loop over all files. For code snippets, see the FAQ:
If you still can't figure it out, write back.
If you want to save the centroid(s) for the blob(s) in this image, save STATS into a cell array
filePattern = '*.png';
fileList = dir(filePattern);
numImages = numel(fileList);
for frameIndex = 1 : numImages
thisFileName = fullfile(fileList(frameIndex).folder, fileList(frameIndex).name);
fprintf('Processing %s\n', thisFileName)
STATS = regionprops(binaryImage, 'Centroid', 'Extent', 'BoundingBox');
for i = 1 : numel(STATS)
% Code
ca{frameIndex} = STATS; % Save centroids for all the blobs into a cell for this particular image.
  1 个评论
Chanoknunt Sangsobhon
I have tried the code but the ca obtained only 1 centroid value which I don't know what value it is whether it is which centroid or it is x or y coordinate. I mean, I tried used it with one image first but in that image suppose to have 2 centroids but it obtained only 1 centroid value.



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