Solving equation with two for loops

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi I would like to find the values of gf for different r and H values. It is obtained by solving the equation S1 which includes gf on both left and right sides. Could you please help me in solving this?
clear all;
close all;
iiy = 1.8;
rho_s = 2160;
rho_w = 997;
M_s = 58.44 * 10^-3;
M_w = 18* 10^-3
M_w = 0.0180
o = 0.072;
H = linspace(0.1,1,100)
H = 1×100
0.1000 0.1091 0.1182 0.1273 0.1364 0.1455 0.1545 0.1636 0.1727 0.1818 0.1909 0.2000 0.2091 0.2182 0.2273 0.2364 0.2455 0.2545 0.2636 0.2727 0.2818 0.2909 0.3000 0.3091 0.3182 0.3273 0.3364 0.3455 0.3545 0.3636
T = 22+273;
Rv = 8.314;
r = 1E-9:100E-9:200E-9;
syms gf
for i = 1:length(H)
for j =1:length(r)
S1 = ( gf -((rho_s/rho_w) *(1 + (M_w/M_s * iiy * H(i)./(( exp(2*o)./(rho_w*Rv*T.*gf*r(j))) - H(i)))))^(1/3));
S(j,i) = vpasolve(S1(j,i)==0,gf, [0 Inf] );
Error using sub2ind
Out of range subscript.

Error in indexing (line 1074)
R_tilde = sub2ind(size(L), Idx.subs{:});


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-11-18
I suggest you switch to numeric solutions, and to providing solution hints. Some of the tests I did hinted there might be multiple solutions.
The bumps along the yellow ridge appear to be inherent somehow -- if you zoom in you will see "ribs" on the plot.
iiy = 1.8;
rho_s = 2160;
rho_w = 997;
M_s = 58.44 * 10^-3;
M_w = 18* 10^-3 ;
M_w = 0.0180;
o = 0.072;
H = linspace(0.1,1,100);
T = 22+273;
Rv = 8.314;
r = linspace(1E-9,1000E-9, 50);
numH = length(H);
numr = length(r);
S = NaN(numr, numH);
guess = 1.5;
opt = optimoptions('fsolve','Display','off');
for i = 1:numH
for j = 1:numr
S1 = @(gf) ( gf -((rho_s/rho_w) *(1 + (M_w/M_s * iiy * H(i)./(( exp(2*o)./(rho_w*Rv*T.*gf*r(j))) - H(i)))))^(1/3));
SS = fsolve(S1, guess, opt );
if ~isempty(SS) && imag(SS) == 0
S(j,i) = double(SS);
guess = SS;
surf(H, r, S, 'edgecolor', 'none')
xlabel('H'); ylabel('r'); zlabel('S')

更多回答(2 个)

Voss 2022-11-15
S1 is calculated for a given i and j, so it is not correct to index it with i and j on the next line.
That is, use S1==0 instead of S1(j,i) == 0
clear all;
close all;
iiy = 1.8;
rho_s = 2160;
rho_w = 997;
M_s = 58.44 * 10^-3;
M_w = 18* 10^-3
M_w = 0.0180
o = 0.072;
H = linspace(0.1,1,100)
H = 1×100
0.1000 0.1091 0.1182 0.1273 0.1364 0.1455 0.1545 0.1636 0.1727 0.1818 0.1909 0.2000 0.2091 0.2182 0.2273 0.2364 0.2455 0.2545 0.2636 0.2727 0.2818 0.2909 0.3000 0.3091 0.3182 0.3273 0.3364 0.3455 0.3545 0.3636
T = 22+273;
Rv = 8.314;
r = 1E-9:100E-9:200E-9;
syms gf
for i = 1:length(H)
for j =1:length(r)
S1 = ( gf -((rho_s/rho_w) *(1 + (M_w/M_s * iiy * H(i)./(( exp(2*o)./(rho_w*Rv*T.*gf*r(j))) - H(i)))))^(1/3));
% S(j,i) = vpasolve(S1(j,i)==0,gf, [0 Inf] );
S(j,i) = vpasolve(S1==0,gf, [0 Inf] );
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-11-15
The implication is that there is a combination of values that vpasolve is not able to find a solution for.
DS 2022-11-15
How can I solve this? Should I use some other functions?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-11-15
iiy = 1.8;
rho_s = 2160;
rho_w = 997;
M_s = 58.44 * 10^-3;
M_w = 18* 10^-3
M_w = 0.0180
o = 0.072;
H = linspace(0.1,1,100)
H = 1×100
0.1000 0.1091 0.1182 0.1273 0.1364 0.1455 0.1545 0.1636 0.1727 0.1818 0.1909 0.2000 0.2091 0.2182 0.2273 0.2364 0.2455 0.2545 0.2636 0.2727 0.2818 0.2909 0.3000 0.3091 0.3182 0.3273 0.3364 0.3455 0.3545 0.3636
T = 22+273;
Rv = 8.314;
r = 1E-9:100E-9:200E-9;
syms gf
numH = length(H);
numr = length(r);
S = zeros(numr, numH);
for i = 1:numH
for j = 1:numr
S1 = ( gf -((rho_s/rho_w) *(1 + (M_w/M_s * iiy * H(i)./(( exp(2*o)./(rho_w*Rv*T.*gf*r(j))) - H(i)))))^(1/3));
S(j,i) = vpasolve(S1==0, gf, [0 Inf] );
format long g
S = 2×100
1.29402159925611 1.29402755858776 1.2940335182164 1.29403947814207 1.29404543836478 1.29405139888457 1.29405735970146 1.29406332081548 1.29406928222665 1.294075243935 1.29408120594055 1.29408716824334 1.29409313084338 1.29409909374071 1.29410505693534 1.29411102042732 1.29411698421665 1.29412294830337 1.2941289126875 1.29413487736908 1.29414084234812 1.29414680762465 1.2941527731987 1.2941587390703 1.29416470523946 1.29417067170622 1.29417663847061 1.29418260553264 1.29418857289235 1.29419454054976 1.30076236019233 1.30140057925328 1.3020421735055 1.30268717464784 1.30333561482099 1.30398752661578 1.30464294308161 1.30530189773512 1.3059644245691 1.30663055806151 1.30730033318485 1.30797378541565 1.3086509507442 21.4298073297381 1.31001656728512 1.31070509313834 1.31139748139228 1.31209377076126 1.31279400053724 1.31349821060138 1.31420644143594 1.31491873413649 1.31563513042437 1.31635567265952 1.31708040385366 1.31780936768376 1.31854260850588 1.31928017136941 1.32002210203163 1.32076844697273
  3 个评论
DS 2022-11-15
Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-1 and the size of
the right side is 0-by-1.
I still got this error. Could you please help me what should I do?
Torsten 2022-11-15
编辑:Torsten 2022-11-15
Your equation might have no solution or vpasolve might fail to compute it ...
iiy = 1.8;
rho_s = 2160;
rho_w = 997;
M_s = 58.44 * 10^-3;
M_w = 18* 10^-3
M_w = 0.0180
o = 0.072;
H = linspace(0.1,1,100)
T = 22+273;
Rv = 8.314;
r = linspace(1E-9,1000E-9, 20);
syms gf
numH = length(H);
numr = length(r);
S = NaN(numr, numH);
for i = 1:numH
for j = 1:numr
S1 = ( gf -((rho_s/rho_w) *(1 + (M_w/M_s * iiy * H(i)./(( exp(2*o)./(rho_w*Rv*T.*gf*r(j))) - H(i)))))^(1/3));
SS = vpasolve(S1==0, gf, [0 Inf] );
if ~isempty(SS)
S(j,i) = double(SS);
format long g



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