Iterating to find value S

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Jason 2011-2-23
  • Hello I'm fairly new to Matlab and I'm having trouble iterating. I'm trying to find the value S however the equation needed to evaluate it depends on S (second line). What is the best way to find S? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)My code:
V=Q/(W*R); Us = (9.81*R*S)^0.5; if ((Us*d/v)>1.2) && ((Us*d/v)<70); Vcr=w*((2.5/(log10(Us*d/v)-0.06))+0.66); else Vcr=w*2.05; end
I = 5.435-0.286*log10(w*d/v)-0.457*log10(Us/w); J = 1.799-0.409*log10(w*d/v)-0.314*log10(Us/w); S=(w*Cts*10^(I/J))/(V-Vcr);

回答(1 个)

Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell 2011-2-23
Jason, here is a sketch of what you need to do. First, you need to create a function
y = f(S,Q,W,etc.)
in a separate file will all your independent variables as arguments (there seem to be quite a few). This function will need to accept a vector for S, which means a lot of your code will need to be rewritten. In particular, the if/then statement could be put in side a loop or replaced by logical indexing (see Matrix indexing in MATLAB):
Vcr = w*2.05;
ix = ((Us*d/v)>1.2) && ((Us*d/v)<70);
Vcr(ix) = w*((2.5/(log10(Us(ix)*d/v)-0.06))+0.66); %EDITED
and you need to replace * by .* and ^ by .^ everywhere (assuming that all the other variables are scalars). The last line of the function would be
The solution of the equation y=0 is the S you are after.
Then define an inline function
g = @(S) f(S,Q,W, ...)
(see Anonymous functions). You need to provide values for all the arguments except S before defining this function. Finally, solve using fzero:
S = fzero(g,S0)
where S0 is your guess for the value of S that solves the equation. To help you with finding a good guess, you could plot g(S) against S first.
  1 个评论
Jason 2011-2-25
I'm very greatful for the response but I'm still very confused.
I didn't really explain what I'm trying to do very well. Hopefully this will be clearer:
1. Assume a value for D.
2. Work out V from V=Q/(W*D) (values Q,W are inputted)
3. Solve S=(w*Cts*10^(I/J))/(V-Vcr)
I = 5.435-0.286*log10(w*d/v)-0.457*log10(Us/w)
J = 1.799-0.409*log10(w*d/v)-0.314*log10(Us/w)
Us = (9.81*R*S)^0.5;
if Us*d/v is between 1.2 and 70
So Us and as a result I and J depend on S
4. Select another D and repeat the steps
5. Compare computed V*S values and find a minimum value
I tried the following code:
y = MyReverseEquation3(Cts,R,d,v,w,Q,W,V,S0,D)
Us = (9.81*R*S)^0.5;
Vcr = w.*2.05;
ix = ((Us.*d/v)>1.2) && ((Us.*d/v)<70);
Vcr(ix) = w.*((2.5/(log10(Us(ix).*d/v)-0.06))+0.66);
g = @(S) f(Cts,R,d,v,w,Q,W,V,S);
S = fzero(g,S0);
I get the error code: ‘Undefined function or variable "S".’



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