Extracting Nodes in MATLAB

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Sushant 2022-11-24
I have generated a RVE. After meshing, i want to extract the nodes of the two opposite edges in MATLAB. I have use the code below, but it is giving blank.
fileID = fopen('new.txt');
formatSpec = '%s';
N = 8;
% reads file data, using the formatSpec N times
% c_h: cell header
c_h = textscan(fileID,formatSpec,N,'delimiter','|');
% Read coordinates for nodes on the two opposite surfaces
% Save them in a cell array whose first and fourth columns are node #
% rest columns are x,y,z coordinates
% c_cord
c_cord = textscan(fileID,'%d %f %f %f %d %f %f %f');
% Turn cell array which stored coordinates info. for points on left and
% right side of RVE into a sorted matrix
% Initialize matrix
for i=1:N
% Sort the matrix by the third column-Y coordinates
% sortedMatrixByLy-sorted matrix by left y coordinates
sortedMatrixByLy=sortrows(cordMatrix, 3);
% sortedMatrixByRy-sorted matrix by right y coordinates
sortedMatrixByRy=sortrows(cordMatrix, 3);
% pairwise distance between left and right side sets of points
% # of points on Left side and right side do NOT have to the the same
% Fetch the x,y,z coordinates of left side points
% Fetch the x,y,z coordinates of right side points
% Compute all the distances between points on left and right side
% i.e. left has M points, right has N points, size of D matrix is M*N
D = pdist2(LC,RC);
% Find the minimum distance value in each row of D and
% return the corresponding indices
[Sml,ind] = min(DD,[],2);
for j=1:size(DD,1)
[Sml(j),ind(j)] = min(DD(j,:),[],2);
% Replace the value in the same column of ind(j) by a very large number
% eg.999999 in here to avoid duplicat indice (i.e. the same point on one
% side used more than once)
% Based on the returned indices find the paired points on left and right
% sides which has minimum distances
% The paired nodes then can be incorporated into FEA package Abaqus input file to
% define Periodic Boundary Conditions by using "Equations" in Abaqus
% pn:parid nodes
pn=[Left(:,1) Right(ind,1)]

回答(1 个)

Abhinaya Kennedy
Abhinaya Kennedy 2024-8-26
  1. File Existence & Path: Ensure new.txt is in the correct directory.
  2. Delimiter: Verify that the delimiter in your file matches '|'. If the file uses spaces or another delimiter, adjust accordingly in textscan.
  3. Format Specification: Ensure the format in textscan matches your file's structure. Adjust %d %f %f %f %d %f %f %f if necessary.
  4. Matrix Initialization: Verify that cordMatrix is initialized correctly and c_cord has data.
  5. Debugging: Use disp to print intermediate results for verification.
If these suggestions don't resolve the issue, consider providing a sample of your new.txt file so that the community can offer more specific advice.


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