Error in interpolating: Actual data does not match with interpolated data

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I am trying to interpolate my gridded data of dimension (longitude x latitude x altitude) at specific latitude and altitude which are not included in the dataset. To check my code and verify if my interpolated data is correct, I tried to interpolate at the point (Lat = 15 Degree & Alt = 100 km) which is included in the original data. By surpise, the plots for interpolated data and original data didnt match. I am not sure what I am doing wrong so requesting if you could help me out.
Below is my matlab code (attached) and link for my data:
%% read data
file1='data_nc\data_10x10\'; %76x94x54
Temp1_4d = ncread(file1,'Temperature');
Temp1_4d =Temp1_4d(3:38,3:20,:);
Lat1_4d = ncread(file1,'Latitude')*(180/pi);
Lat1_4d = Lat1_4d(3:38,3:20,:);
Long1_4d = ncread(file1, 'Longitude')*(180/pi);
Long1_4d =Long1_4d(3:38,3:20,:);
Alt1_4d = ncread(file1,'Altitude');
Alt1_4d = Alt1_4d(3:38,3:20,:);
Temp1_4d = double(Temp1_4d);% converts single data to double
Temp1a_4d = Temp1_4d(19:36,:,:);Temp1b_4d =Temp1_4d(1:18,:,:);Temp1c_4d = [Temp1a_4d;Temp1b_4d];
Long1_4d =double(Long1_4d);Long1_4d = wrapTo180(Long1_4d);
Long1a_4d = Long1_4d(19:36,:,:);Long1b_4d = Long1_4d(1:18,:,:);Long1c_4d = [Long1a_4d;Long1b_4d];
Lat1_4d = double(Lat1_4d);
Lat1a_4d = Lat1_4d(19:36,:,:);Lat1b_4d = Lat1_4d(1:18,:,:);Lat1c_4d = [Lat1a_4d;Lat1b_4d];
Alt1_4d = double(Alt1_4d);
Alt1a_4d = Alt1_4d(19:36,:,:);Alt1b_4d = Alt1_4d(1:18,:,:);Alt1c_4d = [Alt1a_4d;Alt1b_4d];
Long1 = Long1c_4d(:,1,1); %reads vector of Long
Lat1 = Lat1c_4d(1,:,1); %reads vector of Long
Alt1 = Alt1c_4d(1,1,:);%reads vector of Alt
Alt1 = permute(Alt1,[1 3 2]);
%% interpolate
LUT1=griddedInterpolant({Long1,Lat1,Alt1}, Temp1_4d); %interpolation object 2
TempvLong1=LUT1({Long1,15,100000}); %slices
TempvLong1b=LUT1({Long1,15,100000}); %slices
hold on;
xlabel 'Longitude';
ylabel 'Temperature'
title 'Lat = 15^o & Alt = 100 km';
%legend ('72x54 cells (5 long x 3.33 lat)','72x90 cells (5 long x 2 lat)','72x180 cells (5 long x 1 lat)','120x90 cells (3 long x 2 lat)');
legend('interpolated data', 'origina data');
xlim([-180 180]);
ax = gca;
ax.XTick = -180:60:180;
hold off;
  7 个评论
Mark 2022-11-29
编辑:Mark 2022-11-29
Hi @Matt J, did you see my LUT1 data file in .mat format. If not then can you help me get to save LUT in a right format please.



Matt J
Matt J 2022-11-29
编辑:Matt J 2022-11-29
load inputData
i=11; j=3; %query points (Lat and Alt)
%% interpolate
LUT1=griddedInterpolant(Long1c_4d,Lat1c_4d,Alt1c_4d, Temp1c_4d); %interpolation object
[Long1,Lat1,Alt1]=deal(LUT1.GridVectors{:}); %1D versions of the coordinates
TempvLong1=LUT1({Long1,Lat1(i),Alt1(j)}); %slices
hold on;
xlabel 'Longitude';
ylabel 'Temperature'
title(sprintf('Lat = %.2f^o & Alt = %.2f km',Lat1(i),Alt1(j)/1000));
legend('interpolated data', 'original data');
xlim([-180 180]);
ax = gca;
ax.XTick = -180:60:180;
hold off;

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