Displaying randomized texts in app designer (GUI)

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, If you look in the comments. I have also attached my code and a screen shot of what the GUI currently looks like.
I have made an editfield, with different examples of what the text should look like, but the only thing appearing on that tab is the list box. it should be a randomization(from the text i have included in the code) for what text is displayed.
How would i connect the values from the listbox to the actual text (There will be 4 text in total, i am using the randperm to randomize which one is dispalyed on GUI, but only one of those is the correct answer).
I stated that i already have a list box with "YES" and "NO". 3 of the text will always be wrong so the answer should always be NO and 1 will always be right, so the answer should always be YES.
What i am trying to say is ' if the wrong text is displayed and the user anwsers "YES" instead of "NO". How do i tag that as incorrect answer? and vice versa.
I have also attached my code.
Thanks in Advance.
  6 个评论
Jiri Hajek
Jiri Hajek 2022-11-29
Your question is not so much about MATLAB, but about an algorithm. There are a great mant ways to do what you want. Starting from where you are, you could perhaps make use of the following MATLAB functions to achieve your goal:
  • callback function on your answers, where you could check the user;s choice
  • in that callback, you can use the isequal function to compare the displayed string with the correct answer
  • Display the answer by assigning a value to the text property of an answering text field
Nwasinachi 2022-11-29
编辑:Nwasinachi 2022-11-29
I have created the call backs, made an array of sentences to be displayed, randomized that array.
Created a correct and incorrect variable, that will check the anwsers based on a strcmp, but the problem now is i dont know if the correct and incorrect variables are working properly.
This is the code
if strcmp(app.wordarray (1),app.TextArea7_2.Value) && strcmp(app.ListBox2.Value,'YES');
app .Correct = app.Correct+1;% a loop where if this option is displayed and YES is selected from list box then the response is correct
else app.Incorrect = app.Incorrect+1;
These are variables in the startfcn
%attempt for text area Question 1
app .Correct=0;
firstopt = 'The boy went to school'; % will change text and number of the
Secoption = 'The man went to church';
thoption = 'The girl is going there';
app.wordarray = {firstopt Secoption thoption};
app.TextArea7_2.Value = app.wordarray{randi(numel(app.wordarray))}; %% randomization works.
This is the public property
properties (Access = public)
wordarray % Description


回答(1 个)

Divyanshu 2023-2-23
The possible workaround for the issue faced is you can have an edit field which indicates correct or incorrect” to the App-user depending upon the response. And you can “disable” or “enable” the Next button depending upon the value of response indicating field.
Here is a demo App which demonstrates the same->
Note: I have written logic which is going to randomly display one of the three sentences -> [“How are you?", "Hi Jane", "Please call me”].
And the correct response is -> “Hi Jane
Here is the code-view of the demo App->
methods (Access = private)
% Code that executes after component creation
function startFunctn(app)
sentenceList = ["How are you?" "Hi Jane" "Please call me"];
index = randi(3);
app.SentencementioneintheAudioyoujustheardTextArea.Value = sentenceList(index);
% Value changed function: ListBox
function check(app, event)
app.StatusofyourResponseEditField.Value = "";
value = app.ListBox.Value;
if(value == "Yes" && app.SentencementioneintheAudioyoujustheardTextArea.Value == "Hi Jane")
app.StatusofyourResponseEditField.Value = "Correct";
elseif(value == "No" && app.SentencementioneintheAudioyoujustheardTextArea.Value ~= "Hi Jane")
app.StatusofyourResponseEditField.Value = "Correct";
app.StatusofyourResponseEditField.Value = "Incorrect";
if(app.StatusofyourResponseEditField.Value == "Correct")


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