How do I have a time based function be the input for revolute joint position in Simulink

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to model a motion in which I take data from the real world, regress it into a function and then use this function to drive a simulink model revolute joint for position. I then intend to use the model to do an inverse dynamics calculation of the joint torques that would be needed to create the specified motion.
What block do I use to just specify an input function to the joint as a function of time? I would like to be able to enter a polynomial equation with the regression coefficients.


Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2022-12-1
The Clock block provides the time line that the simulation runs on. You can use that for your function.
  3 个评论
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2022-12-1
The error comes from a "C Caller" block, not a "MATLAB Function" block. For your need, I would think a "MATLAB Function" block is sufficient. Why use a "C Caller" block?
Dieter 2022-12-1
Thanks. I did not know there was a difference. The blocks look identical when I search for Matlab function. Must have had the wrong one. Now its on to a different error about input derivatives, but at least I am past that sticking point.


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