- Under Advanced Options on the upper right corner of the MathWorks Product Activation window, select "I want to use a license file."
- Provide the path to your local copy of the license file used by the Network License Manager.
Why do I receive a "Network License File Required" Error Message when I try to Activate my Network License?
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MathWorks Support Team
编辑: MathWorks Support Team
I receive the following error when I try to activate my Concurrent or Network Named User license through the MathWorks Product Activation client:
Network License File Required
To use a network license, get a configured network license file from your administrator.
How do I resolve this error?
MathWorks Support Team
编辑:MathWorks Support Team
To activate an end user on a network-based license, they need either a file named "network.lic" or the license file from the Network License Manager (usually named license.dat.) Contact the person who maintains the Network License Manager, if necessary, for the license.dat file. If you don't know who maintains the Network License Manager, contact your License Administrator.
Once you have a copy of the license file, have the end user complete these steps:
For instructions on how to contact your License Administrator, please see the MATLAB Answer below.
Who is my License Administrator?
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