I am trying to display a data table with uitable. I am using sprintf to control the data precision/format before I store the values in an 11 x n cell named tbl.
I try to generate the table with the following code:
f=figure('Position', [25 400 550 220],'NumberTitle','off','Name','Summary');
uitable(f, 'Data', tbl, 'ColumnName', colnames, 'RowName',rownames,'Position', [0 0 550 220]);
I get this error: ??? Error using ==> uitable Cell array of strings may only contain string and numeric matrices
I think it's because I am trying to put a cell instead of matrix into the uitable function. Tried using cell2mat thinking this might solve the problem, but get another error: ??? Error using ==> cat CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.
I tried googling these answers but didn't find anything to lead me in the right direction.