Help associating ode events (if they occur?) to plotted symbols and legends

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I have identified 4 ode events. The integration stop event which will occur, but the other 3 might not. The events function order list, intended symbol on a graph and accompanying legend are:
n - symbol - legend
1 - 'kx' - 'end' (integration stop)
2 - 'k.' - 'vertex'
3 - 'kv' - 'threshold decreasing'
4 - 'k^' - 'threshold increasing'
If possible, I would basically like to plot something like:
hold on
plot(te2,ye2),'symbol2') - might not occur
plot(te3,ye3),'symbol3') - might not occur
plot(te4,ye4),'symbol4') - might not occur
hold off
legend(anything,legend1,legend2,legend3,legend4) - later legends might not occur
So far, chronological events in the 'ie' matrix are [3;2;4;1] or [2;3;4;1], but this might change!
Try as i may, i cannot correctly accociate events with plotted symbols or legends, let alone instances where they might not occur!
Any help or advice on how i might achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
  3 个评论
Brantosaurus 2022-12-22
Yes i believe.
options = odeset('events',@trajevents)
[t,y,te,ye,ie] = ode45(@state,tspan,yo,options)
function [check,stop,direction] = trajevents(t,y)
check, stop and direction each contain details which sucessfully trigger the 4 events.
All the workspace outputs look fine and the basic full span plots of [t,y] and 4 discrete [te(ie),ye(ie)].
The plotting of [te(ie),ye(ie)] with symbol and legend associations are the problem even when 4 events occur, which might not always be the case!
The images show what i would like to achieve. The order of events and number can change.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-12-22
What difficulty are you encountering? It would probably be easier if you could post code for us to test.
Question: if an event does not occur then should it still appear in the legend?


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