Simscape Electrical Foundation Library vs Simscape Specialized Power Systems for High Frequency Power Electronics

23 次查看(过去 30 天)
I note that a similar question was asked four years ago, but I am interested in any recent developments and some further clarification. There was a further comment on the original question in November of this year so it continues to attract some interest.
It was noted in a reply from Mathworks that the "[ST] library is older than the SC counterpart but is more mature for electrical only applications." Later, it was also stated that, "Everything is application specific and each of the two products have their strengths and weaknesses relative to each other depending on the use case."
However, the reply focusses mainly on the advantages of the SC library for modelling across different domains. None of the disadvantages are really listed, but I assume there are some important ones given that Mathworks continue to support the ST library.
What are the disadvantages of the SC library for electrical only simulation? For simulation of only the electrical part of high-frequency, switch mode converters, which would be receommended and why?
It was also noted that "Both ST and SC product families are under active development at MathWorks."
Will both continue to be supported as of 2022/23? Is it anticipated that the SC library will eventually completely replace the ST library, or is there a fundamental technical difference between the two?
  1 个评论
Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel 2022-12-27
are you interested in using simplified switch models in your simulations (piecewise linear) or using more detailed non-linear transistor models (SPICE level type simulation)?



Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel 2023-1-11
Both technologies will continue to be supported and both are under active development. The main difference is that ST uses Simulink based libraries and solves ODE's only, (technically there are specific DAE's it can solve for specific models, but getting into that is far beyond what I can cover in a forum answer.) SC can solve DAE's and ODE's, which opens up a larger set of systems that can be simulated accurately (this is one reason why SC has a larger library of models than ST) The trade off is that large systems (think distribution networks) will simulate faster if they are only ODE's instead of a combination of ODE's and DAE's. But realistically, it is never that simple because there are systems where adding a DAE can speed up simulation by allowing for larger time steps, so please note that these recomendations are very very generic.
The clear deliniation between the two is that if you are modelling detailed non-linear electronics, like detailed models of transistors, where rise and fall dynamics, gate capacitance, etc. matter, you want to use SC as ST cannot simulate this level of detail. If you are modelling large distribution/transmission type systems, then ST is likely the appropriate choice. A lot of the applications in the middle are covered well by both technologies. We often tell customers to keep using ST if they already are, but if they are just starting and new to both technologies, and both will work equally well, we will recommend SC for the larger library and higher flexibility as it using SC will make the models more versatile.
  4 个评论
Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel 2023-2-16
in general, use any of the blue components for that application. This will include all folders under simscape electrical EXCEPT fro the specialized power systems blocks. You can also use any of the blocks from the foundation library under electrical
mohsen 2024-4-20
Thanks for your answer.
Why you did not reconmed Specialised Power Systems? Actually I am confused too, I am working on developing RL-based controller for DC microgrid and I do not sure from where should I choose the components for modeling the microgrid.
I would appreciate your help.


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