% Set the number of helixes to plot
N = 35;
% Set the radius and pitch of the helixes
radius = 1;
pitch = 0.2;
% Set the number of points to plot on each helix
num_points = 100;
% Initialize a matrix to hold the coordinates of the helixes
helix_coords = zeros(num_points, 3, N);
% Loop through each helix
for i = 1:N
% Set the phase offset for this helix
phase_offset = (i-1)*2*pi/N;
% Generate the x, y, and z coordinates for this helix
x = radius*cos((1:num_points)*2*pi/num_points + phase_offset);
y = radius*sin((1:num_points)*2*pi/num_points + phase_offset);
z = pitch*(1:num_points);
% Store the coordinates in the matrix
helix_coords(:,:,i) = [x', y', z'];
% Plot the helixes
plot3(squeeze(helix_coords(:,1,:)), squeeze(helix_coords(:,2,:)), squeeze(helix_coords(:,3,:)))