Can someone explain me the DC Motor Figure result?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone,
As i see on the figures (characteristics) for the 5 different type of motors, We have a linear characteristic on the DC motor after 5629 RPM (Torque- speed characteristic) and after 5626 RPM (Power-speed characteristic). I can't understand the model - why we don't have a linear characteristic starting from 0 RPM or 0 Watt.
Thank you in advance
Alex kolegkas


Sabin 2023-1-5
The problem here is that Simscape data logging is limited to 10000 points but in the DC-Motor case the solver needs more points to simulate 60 seconds. Therefore, the plot function is displaying only the last part of the characteristics. A quick workaround would be to uncheck the ‘Limit data points’ box in the Configuration Parameters/Simscape:

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