R2022b does not start after Update 3

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
Today I opened R2022b on my Mac OS 12.6.1, and after working for a few minutes I noticed that Update 3 is available for this MATLAB release. I chose to update, and now R2022b no longer starts. Instead, the icon only briefly flashes in the Mac icon tray, and then immediately vanishes. Fortunately, R2021b still works fine on my computer.
Has any else experienced problems with R2022b Update 3? Is there any way to fix it?

回答(2 个)

Mayank Sengar
Mayank Sengar 2023-1-12
编辑:Mayank Sengar 2023-1-12
It may be necessary for you to completely uninstall MATLAB and all Toolboxes you have, completely reinstall all of them, then try Update 3 again.
  1 个评论
Star Strider
Star Strider 2023-1-12
I suggest waiting for the official version to be released. There appear to be problems with the currently available version.


Jan 2023-2-21
I have got the same problem. Today, I have tried to open R2022b on my Mac OS 13.2 only to find that R2022b no longer starts. Is there already a solution to that problem?


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