Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.I am getting a lot errors on my code can you please help which one should fix especially line 15.Thank you

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% Read the data from the file
fid = fopen('gc-data-21.txt', 'r');
data = textscan(fid, '%f %s %f');
% 1.Identify the lines that contain data
% 2.Get the number of data points
npoints = length(ind);
Unrecognized function or variable 'ind'.
% Read up to the data
x = data{1};
y = data{2};
% 3. Initialize the data vectors
time = zeros(npoints, 1);
signal = zeros(npoints, 1);
% Read in the data
for i = 1:npoints
time(i) = data{1}(ind(i));
signal(i) = data{2}(ind(i));
% 4.Plot the data
plot(time, signal)
xlabel('Time (s)')
% Correct for non-zero baseline
signal = signal - mean(signal);
% 5.Implementing a fitting procedure using a decaying gaussian function
% Define the decaying gaussian function
gauss = @(p, x) p(1)*exp(-((x - p(2))./p(3)).^2) + p(4);
% Define the objective function
obj = @(p) sum((gauss(p, time) - signal).^2);
% Define the initial guess for the parameters
p0 = [1, mean(time), std(time), 0];
% Optimize the parameters
p = fminsearch(obj, p0);
% 6. implementing a fitting procedure with two peaks and plot the fitting function with an initial guess for each parameter
% Define the function that adds two decaying gaussian functions
gauss2 = @(p, x) p(1)*exp(-((x - p(2))./p(3)).^2) + p(4) + p(5)*exp(-((x - p(6))./p(7)).^2) + p(8);
% 7. Plot fitting function with an initial guess for each parameter
% First we define Define the initial guess for the parameters
p0 = [1, mean(time), std(time), 0, 1, mean(time), std(time), 0];
% Plot the fitting function with the initial guess for the parameters
plot(time, gauss2(p0, time))
xlabel('Time (s)')
title('fitting function with initial guess')
% 8.using nonlinear fitting to get the parameters that best fit our data, and ploting the fit on the graph
% Optimize the parameters
p2 = lsqnonlin(obj2, p0);
% Plot the fit on the graph
plot(time, signal)
hold on
plot(time, gauss2(p2, time))
xlabel('Time (s)')
% 9.extracting out the two peaks and integrating the areas
% Extract the two peaks
peak1 = gauss(p2(1:4), time);
peak2 = gauss(p2(5:8), time);
% Display the two peaks extracted
plot(time, peak1)
hold on
plot(time, peak2)
xlabel('Time (s)')
legend('Peak 1', 'Peak 2')
title('the two extracted peaks')
% Integrate the areas
area1 = trapz(time, peak1);
area2 = trapz(time, peak2);
% Display the integrated areas
fprintf('Integrated area 1: %f\n', area1)
fprintf('Integrated area 2: %f\n', area2)
% 10.Compute the relative amounts
rel1 = area1/(area1 + area2);
rel2 = area2/(area1 + area2);
% Display the relative amounts
fprintf('Relative amount 1: %f\n', rel1)
fprintf('Relative amount 2: %f\n', rel2)


Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2023-1-12
Your variable data contains 3 empty cells, so you are getting an indexing error because you are trying to index into it using a value greater than 0. Note that, in MATLAB, you will get an error if you try to use 0 as well.
data = 1×3 cell array
{0×0 double} {0×0 double} {0×0 double}
% Works
ans = []
% your error
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.
  7 个评论
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2023-1-12
This function is part of the Optimization toolbox. If you have access to the optimization toolbox and have not installed it, you can do so using the Add-ons explorer.
You can check if you already have it installed using the ver command.


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