3 datasets on one skyplot

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%Example of the data i have for one sateliite
elevation = [30; 60; 90];
azimuth = [60; 90; 120];
MP = [0.2; 0.7; 0.9];
skyplot(azimuth, elevation)
% How do i include MP to this skyplot in such a way that colour gradient represents the magintude of MP
  2 个评论
Sarvesh Kale
Sarvesh Kale 2023-3-7
can you please tell what is MP ?
osasunmwen efosa
osasunmwen efosa 2023-3-7
MP is multipath. i want to be able to show the multipath for a particular elevation and azimuth angle. Considering the skyplot plot function only allows to plot 2 sets of data ( elevation and azimuth angle), i am unable to include a third one (multipath). Someone suggested that i introduce the multipath dataset as colour but i do not know how. Any suggestions or other options will be helpful.



Arka 2023-3-7
I tried to implement what you wanted using polarplot instead of skyplot.
elevation = [30; 60; 90];
azimuth = [60; 90; 120];
MP = [0.2 0.7 0.9];
cmap = flipud(jet(256)); % color map from blue to red
min_MP = min(MP);
max_MP = max(MP);
c = interp1(linspace(min_MP, max_MP, size(cmap,1)), cmap, MP);
% plot each value pair individually using polarplot
for i = 1:length(elevation)
h = polarplot(deg2rad(azimuth(i)), elevation(i), 'o', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', c(i,:), 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
hold on;
%skyplot(azimuth, elevation, MP, 'o', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', c, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'k');
set(gca, 'ThetaZeroLocation', 'top', 'ThetaDir', 'clockwise', 'RTick', [0 30 60 90], 'GridColor', 'k', 'GridAlpha', 0.2);
Here, the closest satellite has the warmest colour. If you want the opposite colour coding, instead of cmap = flipud(jet(256));, do cmap = jet(256);
To learn more about polarplot, please go through the MathWorks documentation link below:
  3 个评论
Arka 2023-3-8
You can try removing the corresponding data points containing NaNs from all 3 vectors.
osasunmwen efosa
osasunmwen efosa 2023-3-12
The colours tend to repeat after about four different colurs. The dataset i am trying to convert into colours has a length of 2880 and the variables are in the form of -0.005, 0.001, 0.056 and so on. the image below is what i got from your recommendation
this seems strange as i was expecting to see the range of different colours given on the colormap


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