I am trying to join two tables and timetables, but I keep getting the following error:
Error using tabular/join (line 144)
The key variable for the right table must have unique values.
Error in JoinTables (line 21)
This happens also for the time table line. I thought this was because it wasn't able to identify the proper key variable to index by and so I tried using:
tabC = join(tabA,tabB,'Time',tabA(1,'Time'));
To force it to use the time column, but apparently it's an "invalid parameter name" and so can't recognize it?
Error using tabular/join (line 114)
Invalid parameter name: Time.
So, I tried creating table A, without a time column to get rid of the uniqueness issue, but then it just says there is a common variable to use as a key variable:
Cannot find a common table variable to use as a key variable.
Therefore, it seems like this is a closed loop issue that keeps circling back on itself. This is very frustrating. What am I doing wrong here?
Input = '2023-01-01 20:14:58';
TimeIn = datetime(Input,'InputFormat','yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
timA = [TimeIn; TimeIn; TimeIn];
timB = [TimeIn; TimeIn; TimeIn];
tabA = renamevars(tabA,'timA','Time');
tabA = renamevars(tabA,'datA','Data_A');
tabB = renamevars(tabB,'timB','Time');
tabB = renamevars(tabB,'datB','Data_B');
ttabA = table2timetable(tabA);
ttabB = table2timetable(tabB);
ttabC = join(ttabA,ttabB);
ttabC = synchronize(ttabA,tabB);