how to create wind direction categoricals

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Hello. I m trying to create categoricals from wind directions (0 - 359 degrees) for 4 values: 1 = airport; 2 = bus_sta; 3= road; 4 = other
The compass degree ranges, resectively, are below, in a for loop, which did not work. I want to store the vlues in a vector of length specifed:
for i = 1:length(T1.classification)
if (45<=RMET2.Deg)&(RMET2.Deg<=65)
impact = impact(i);
elseif (260<=RMET2.Deg)&(RMET2.Deg<=280)
impact = impact(i);
elseif (80<=RMET2.Deg)&(RMET2.Deg<=100)
impact = impact(i);
else impact = impact;
  5 个评论



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-3-13
RMET2.Deg = (0:15:360).';
dirs = discretize(RMET2.Deg, [0 45 65 80 100 260 280 360], {'other', 'airport', 'other', 'bus_sta', 'other', 'road', 'other'});
disp(table(RMET2.Deg, dirs))
Var1 Var2 ____ ___________ 0 {'other' } 15 {'other' } 30 {'other' } 45 {'airport'} 60 {'airport'} 75 {'other' } 90 {'bus_sta'} 105 {'other' } 120 {'other' } 135 {'other' } 150 {'other' } 165 {'other' } 180 {'other' } 195 {'other' } 210 {'other' } 225 {'other' } 240 {'other' } 255 {'other' } 270 {'road' } 285 {'other' } 300 {'other' } 315 {'other' } 330 {'other' } 345 {'other' } 360 {'other' }
  3 个评论
Douglas Leaffer
Douglas Leaffer 2023-3-13
This worked for me:
catnames = ["other", "airport", "other", "bus_sta", "other", "road", "other"];
ImpactWind = discretize(RMET2.Deg,[0 45 65 80 100 260 280 360],'categorical',catnames);


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