What is the problem with the below code?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Roa 2023-3-14
评论: Rik 2023-3-14
Why is MATLAB displaying an error for me with this code:
%Calculate the percenatge difference:
diff20 = (drugs20 - placebo20)./ placebo20 * 100;
diff30 = (drugs30 - placebo30)./ placebo301 * 100;
diff = (drugs - placebo)./ placebo * 100;

回答(1 个)

VBBV 2023-3-14
diff30 = (drugs30 - placebo30)./ placebo30 * 100;
  3 个评论
Roa 2023-3-14
编辑:Roa 2023-3-14
Yeah sorry that was a typo i fixed it but still displays error
Rik 2023-3-14
Try to make a MWE so we can run your code without any other dependencies and can reproduce your issue. The best way to do this is to use the code section in the editor and use the run button. That way you can make sure we will see the same error message as you do.
The information that Matlab "still displays error" is not enough to help you.



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