IB historical data error

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Gabriel Hara
Gabriel Hara 2023-3-19
i had a function to read historical data from Interactive Brokers, and was working good.
now i'm trying to run again (after some month) and stopped working returing this errors:
'Warning: You submitted request with date-time attributes without explicit time zone. Please switch to use yyyymmdd-hh:mm:ss in UTC or use instrument time zone, like US/Eastern. Implied time zone functionality will be removed in the next API release'
Error: 'No historical data query found for ticker id:1418'
the CODE:
ib = ibtws('', 7497,1)
ibContract = ib.Handle.createContract;
ibContract.symbol = 'MSFT'; %'MSFT';
ibContract.secType = 'STK';
ibContract.exchange = 'SMART';
ibContract.primaryExchange = 'NASDAQ';
ibContract.currency = 'USD';
startdate = datenum(2023,03,16,12,30,00);
enddate = datenum(2023,03,17,13,30,00);
barsize = '10 secs'; %5 secs 10 secs 1 min
ticktype = 'ask'; %bid or ask
tradehours = true; % false(default) ; true
ask = timeseries(ib,ibContract,startdate,enddate,barsize,ticktype,tradehours);

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