Error while using 'tunefis"

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I am trying to learn tuning a FIS, I created a training data set matrix 'data' 52x3
i am simply following the matab sample code to tune a FIS, and modified it for my need
I checked that my input training data set is perfectly loaded in workspace, but I am getting an error which says :
fisout = tunefis(tfis,[in;out;rule],trnX,trnY,options);
"Error using tunefis
Third argument must be input training data or a function handle to custom cost function."
The problem is i can see that input training data "trnX" is available in workspace
I am aware that the code is inefficient, I have attached all files needed to run this code
filename = 'Data.xlsx';
data = ans
X = data(:,1:2); %I = X
Y = data(:,3); %t=Y
trnX = X(1:2:end,:);
trnY = Y(1:2:end,:);
tfis = mamfis;
tfis.Inputs(1).Name = 'Ir';
tfis.Inputs(1).Range = [0,10];
tfis.Inputs(1).MembershipFunctions(1).Name = 'h';
tfis.Inputs(1).MembershipFunctions(1).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Inputs(1).MembershipFunctions(2).Name = 'm';
tfis.Inputs(1).MembershipFunctions(2).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Inputs(1).MembershipFunctions(3).Name = 'l';
tfis.Inputs(1).MembershipFunctions(3).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Inputs(2).Name = 'Iy';
tfis.Inputs(2).Range = [0,10];
tfis.Inputs(2).MembershipFunctions(1).Name = 'h';
tfis.Inputs(2).MembershipFunctions(1).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Inputs(2).MembershipFunctions(2).Name = 'm';
tfis.Inputs(2).MembershipFunctions(2).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Inputs(2).MembershipFunctions(3).Name = 'l';
tfis.Inputs(2).MembershipFunctions(3).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Outputs(1).Name = 'T';
tfis.Outputs(1).Range = [0 15];
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(1).Name = 'l';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(1).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(2).Name = 'm';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(2).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(3).Name = 's';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(3).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(4).Name = 'b';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(4).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(5).Name = 'c';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(5).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(6).Name = 'd';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(6).Type = 'trapmf';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(7).Name = 'e';
tfis.Outputs(1).MembershipFunctions(7).Type = 'trapmf';
[in,out,rule] = getTunableSettings(tfis);
options.OptimizationType = 'tuning';
options.Method = 'patternsearch';
options.MethodOptions.MaxIterations = 52;
options.MethodOptions.UseCompletePoll = true;
fisout = tunefis(tfis,[in;out;rule],trnX,trnY,options);


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-3-25
You are using readtable. When you use () indexing on a table object the result is a table object. Use {} indexing or use dot indexing with the column name like

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