Vectorization approach to find matching elements in a matrix.

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Hi experts, I am new to Matlab and I need your help with vectorization approach to improve speed of my code.
I have a big 10,000,000 x 15 matrix A containing integers in the range of 1-255, each row has 15 different integers. The integers in different rows can be the same, but each row is unique. I also have a smaller matrix B of 240,000 x 15 containing integers in the same range (i.e., 1-255), with the same conditions as of matrix A.
I need to find the rows in matrix A that has at least 2/3 of matching elements to the elements in each row of matrix B. If a row in matrix B has rows in matrix with matched conditions, then store those rows as below, or else just skip it.
  • C = rows from matrix A
  • D = rows from matrix B
Currently I am using for-loop to do this, but this takes a lot of time and could not even finish.
C = [];
D = [];
for i = 1:1:size(matrix_B,1)
C = [C; A(sum(ismember(matrix_A,matrix_B(i,:)),2)>=10,:)];
D = [D; B(i,:)];
Is there a vectorization approach that I can do to solve this problem? Or should I re-define my problem and change the entire solution? I also heard about Parallel Computing which would be a big help to this problem, but I do not know how to use it.
Thank you.


John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2023-3-28
编辑:John D'Errico 2023-3-28
The part of your code that is a serious problem is where you build the arrays by growing them at each step. This is a really bad thing to do in MATLAB, and is why your code will be so abysmally slow. Your code forces MATLAB to reallocate the memory for those arrays millions of times, each time for a slightly larger amount of memeory. Then it is forced to copy over EVERYTHING from the old version of the array to the new one. UGH. Don't do things that way!
How would I solve this? I would probably define the distance between two rows as the number of elements in row 1 that are NOT in row 2. You already do something like that, using ismember.
But now you should be able to use rangesearch, to locate rows in one array that are "close" to rows in the other array, and rangesearch is the perfect tool to use a distance like this on a user provided function.
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John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2023-3-28
编辑:John D'Errico 2023-3-28
(Note, at first, I was thinking that knnsearch would be the right tool, but of course, it is rangesearch that you need.)
First, you need a function that will compute the "distance" between rows. The distance is just the number of elements in vector 1, that are NOT in vector 2. So with 15 elements, a distance of zero means a perfect match. You used ismember, which should work.
Then use the rangesearch function.
help rangesearch
RANGESEARCH Radius search. IDX = RANGESEARCH(X,Y,RADIUS) finds all the points in X that are within distance RADIUS for points in Y. Rows of X and Y correspond to observations, and columns correspond to variables. Y must have the same number of columns as X. RADIUS is a numeric non-negative number specifying the radius threshold. IDX is NY-by-1 cell array, where NY is the number of rows in Y. IDX{I} contains the indices of points in X whose distance to Y(I,:) are not greater than RADIUS, and these indices are sorted in the ascending order of the corresponding distance values. [IDX, D] = RANGESEARCH(X,Y,RADIUS) returns a NY-by-1 cell array D. D{I} contains the distance values between Y(I,:) and the corresponding points returned in IDX{I}. [IDX, D]= RANGESEARCH(X,Y,'NAME1',VALUE1,...,'NAMEN',VALUEN) specifies optional argument name/value pairs: Name Value 'NSMethod' Nearest neighbors search method. Value is either: 'kdtree' - Creates and uses a kd-tree to find nearest neighbors. 'kdtree' is only valid when the distance metric is one of the following metrics: - 'euclidean' - 'cityblock' - 'minkowski' - 'chebychev' 'exhaustive' - Uses the exhaustive search algorithm. The distance values from all the points in X to each point in Y are computed to find nearest neighbors. Default is 'kdtree' when the number of columns of X is not greater than 10, X is not sparse, and the distance metric is one of the above 4 metrics; otherwise, default is 'exhaustive'. 'Distance' A string or a function handle specifying the distance metric. The value can be one of the following: 'euclidean' - Euclidean distance (default). 'seuclidean' - Standardized Euclidean distance. Each coordinate difference between X and a query point is scaled by dividing by a scale value S. The default value of S is the standard deviation computed from X, S=NANSTD(X). To specify another value for S, use the 'Scale' argument. 'cityblock' - City Block distance. 'chebychev' - Chebychev distance (maximum coordinate difference). 'minkowski' - Minkowski distance. The default exponent is 2. To specify a different exponent, use the 'P' argument. 'mahalanobis' - Mahalanobis distance, computed using a positive definite covariance matrix C. The default value of C is the sample covariance matrix of X, as computed by NANCOV(X). To specify another value for C, use the 'Cov' argument. 'cosine' - One minus the cosine of the included angle between observations (treated as vectors). 'correlation' - One minus the sample linear correlation between observations (treated as sequences of values). 'spearman' - One minus the sample Spearman's rank correlation between observations (treated as sequences of values). 'hamming' - Hamming distance, percentage of coordinates that differ. 'jaccard' - One minus the Jaccard coefficient, the percentage of nonzero coordinates that differ. function - A distance function specified using @ (for example @DISTFUN). A distance function must be of the form function D2 = DISTFUN(ZI, ZJ), taking as arguments a 1-by-N vector ZI containing a single row of X or Y, an M2-by-N matrix ZJ containing multiple rows of X or Y, and returning an M2-by-1 vector of distances D2, whose Jth element is the distance between the observations ZI and ZJ(J,:). 'P' A positive scalar indicating the exponent of Minkowski distance. This argument is only valid when 'Distance' is 'minkowski'. Default is 2. 'Cov' A positive definite matrix indicating the covariance matrix when computing the Mahalanobis distance. This argument is only valid when 'Distance' is 'mahalanobis'. Default is NANCOV(X). 'Scale' A vector S containing non-negative values, with length equal to the number of columns in X. Each coordinate difference between X and a query point is scaled by the corresponding element of S. This argument is only valid when 'Distance' is 'seuclidean'. Default is NANSTD(X). 'BucketSize' The maximum number of data points in the leaf node of the kd-tree (default is 50). This argument is only meaningful when kd-tree is used for finding nearest neighbors. 'SortIndices' A flag to indicate if output distances and the corresponding indices should be sorted in the order of distances ranging from the smallest to the largest distance. Default is true. Example: % Find the points in X whose distance are not greater than 1.5 to % the points in Y, using the default distance metric 'euclidean'. X = randn(100,5); Y = randn(10, 5); [idx, dist] = rangesearch(X,Y,1.5); See also CREATENS, ExhaustiveSearcher, KDTreeSearcher, KNNSEARCH, PDIST2. Documentation for rangesearch doc rangesearch Other uses of rangesearch ExhaustiveSearcher/rangesearch tall/rangesearch KDTreeSearcher/rangesearch textanalytics/rangesearch
So the most difficult problem is writing the distance function. I wrote one below, it is vectorized, in the sense that if you have multiple rows for the Y array, it still works. And that is what rangesearch needs. As a test, I'll try it on a small set of rows. I'll sort them so it is easy to see tit works.
X = sort(randi(30,1,10),2)
X = 1×10
1 4 4 6 12 16 17 18 22 29
Y = sort(randi(30,3,10),2)
Y = 3×10
3 5 8 10 14 19 21 23 27 29 1 4 8 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 2 2 3 7 7 8 9 18 22 28
ans = 3×1
9 6 8
As you can see, it does work.
Now just use rangesearch.
X = randi(45,[1000,15]);
Y = randi(45,[100,15]);
[IDX,D] = rangesearch(X,Y,5,'Distance',@setInclusionDistance);
So the test I ran here was relatively small, but it returned results. A small distance means there were many hits between rows. A distance of 5 means there were only 5 elements in two rows that were not the same. That will be pretty rare. In order to get a fw hits on such a small sample, I restricted the rows to lie between 1 and 45. I deliberately chose a small set like this so you can see that some rows of X had no hits at all.
ans = 1×8
134 264 187 220 385 614 655 939
ans = 1×0 empty double row vector ans = 1×0 empty double row vector
ans = 1×3
98 325 923
ans = 1×7
200 375 446 718 773 812 1000
ans = 1×8
4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5
ans = 1×0 empty double row vector ans = 1×0 empty double row vector
ans = 1×3
5 5 5
ans = 1×7
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
We can see that row 1 of X was "close" to many rows of Y, but there were not hits at all for rows 2 and 3.
function D = setInclusionDistance(X,Y)
% computes the number of elements in the vector X that are not in Y
D = numel(X) - sum(ismember(Y,X),2);
In a larger test on my computer of the size you mentioned, it took a few minutes to finish, but this is a large problem.
Khoa Tran
Khoa Tran 2023-3-29
Thank you John for your detailed reply.
I tried your code and it works exactly how I wanted. Thank you a lot for that.
However, there is just one thing. When I it comes to large size matrices, it takes quite long to execute, not just a few minutes like you said. How long exactly did it take to finish on your computer with the datasets of size I mentioned in the question?


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