I want to solve this equation for a and b where A and B is a vector data with dimension (1344x1) A=a(B)^b

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Here; A = data1 ; B = data2
y = data1;
Y = log(y);
A = [ones(length(y),1) log(data2)'];
X1 = inv(A'*A);
X2 = A'.*Y;
X = X1*X2;
a = exp(X(1:1,1));
b = X(2,1:1);
this is the method I am using to solve for this equation. But I am not sure this is the right way to solve nonlinear equations. Can someone suggest an alternate way with an example?
Thank you


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023-4-12
p = polyfit(log(B), log(A), 1);
a = exp(p(2));
b = p(1);
This would at least be a good starting point for a search in linear space (it should be close to as good as you can get in log space.)

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