SIL testing with user defined function.

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Rahul 2023-4-24
评论: Rahul 2023-4-26
So, I'm trying to do SIL testing for my simulink model. Right now I'm only trying to test one subsystem. This subsystem consists of some user defined code. When I try to perform SIL I get the following errors.
  1. error: use of undeclared identifier 'tmp'
tmp = _mm_loadu_pd(&b_A[(int32_T)(kAcol - 1)]);
2. error: call to undeclared function '_mm_loadu_pd'; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
tmp = _mm_loadu_pd(&b_A[(int32_T)(kAcol - 1)]);
Many similar errors of this 'tmp' type. At the end I get this error
  • Error(s) encountered while building "rtwshared"
I tried to change the C code to standards available which isnt the ISO 99, like the ANSI standard. However, the error persists.
On another note, if i try to generate code using Embedded Coder on simulink. I am able to generate code.
Is the code being built to perform SIL and this embedded code the same?

回答(1 个)

Mark McBroom
Mark McBroom 2023-4-26
You need to add the function prototype for _mm_loadu_pd to your user defined C file ( or a #include to a header file that defines the function prototype).
  1 个评论
Rahul 2023-4-26
I'm not exactly sure what this means. Not very comfortable in C.
Is there some change I could make to my matlab user defined function? or to the configuration parameters?



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