Huge scaling factor on amplitude in NUFFT vs FFT

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I have a couple of questions about FFT and NUFFT.
  1. I tried to compute a spectral analysis of my data (vectors of more than 30000 samples, due to a sampling frequency of 240 Hz), using both FFT and NUFFT algorithm, on the same vector of sampled data. The results had the same shape and were identical, except for a high scaling factor (10^4). Moreover, using only NUFFT on a non-uniform vector with only data exceeding a certain threshold (0.95, in my case) from the same previous array, the scaling factor is obviously different, but still present. Is there a quick way to find and possibly correct this scaling factor?
  2. On the NUFFT's spectral analysis, there's a higher number of harmonics at low frequencies. Could this be due to the fact that, with the threshold stripping, I have cleaned the signal, so I can see better the low-frequency components of spectum?
Thanks in advance
  2 个评论
Paul 2023-5-14
Hi Tommaso,
I looked at both m-files and didn't see any calls to fft or nufft. Maybe I missed it.
For the first part of item 1, can you provide the data vector in a .mat file and show the fft and nufft and plotting commands you're using on that data? Preferably directly in the Answers editor rather than attaching an m-file. Copy/paste if easier.
fft and nufft should return the same result with uniformly spaced data
x = rand(1,10);
X1 = fft(x);
X2 = nufft(x);
ans = 0
% assuming 240 Hz and explicitly defining the t and f inputs to nufft
Ts = 1/240;
t = (0:9)*Ts;
Fs = 240;
f = (0:9)/10*Fs;
X2 = nufft(x,t,f);
ans = 0
Tommaso Pettinari
Tommaso Pettinari 2023-5-15
编辑:Tommaso Pettinari 2023-5-15
Hi Paul.
I am sending you a simplified version of the code in the space below and three variables to open in the workspace before running the code.
[m, n]=size(raw_trajectory);
fs = 240;
%% Spectral analisys with nufft
frequencyPSD = zeros(n/2, 3);
for i=1:1
% Signal's amplitude spectrum
dft_trajectory = abs(nufft(raw_trajectory_ot(~isnan(raw_trajectory_ot(:,i)),i),clean_frames(i,~isnan(raw_trajectory_ot(:,i)))));
spectrum = dft_trajectory(1:round(m/2)+1);
spectrum(2:end-1) = 2*spectrum(2:end-1);
f = 0:fs/m:fs/2;
plot(f(2:end), spectrum(2:end));
title('Amplitude spectrum with nufft'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Modulo del Segnale'); axis tight; grid on;
% Signal's power spectrum
psd = dft_trajectory(1:round(m/2)+1); % amplitude spectrum
psd = 1/(fs*m) * psd.^2; % abs of amplitude spectrum
psd(2:end-1) = 2 * psd(2:end-1); % multiplication by 2 of positive power spectrum part
plot(f(2:end), psd(2:end)); % plot of power spectrum
title('Power spectrum with nufft'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Power (W)'); axis tight; grid on;
hold off
%% Analisi spettrale con fft
frequencyPSD = zeros(n/2, 3);
for i=1:1
% Amplitude spectrum
dft_trajectory = abs(fft(raw_trajectory(:,i))/m);
spectrum(:,i) = dft_trajectory(1:round(m/2)+1);
spectrum(2:end-1,i) = 2*spectrum(2:end-1,i);
f = 0:fs/m:fs/2;
plot(f(2:end), spectrum(2:end,i));
title('Ampitude spectrum with fft'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Modulo del Segnale'); axis tight; grid on;
for i=1:1
% Power spectrum
dft_trajectory = abs(fft(raw_trajectory(:,i))/m);
psd(:,i) = dft_trajectory(1:round(m/2)+1);
psd(:,i) = 1/(fs*m) * psd(:,i).^2;
psd(2:end-1,i) = 2 * psd(2:end-1,i);
plot(f(2:end), psd(2:end,i));
title('Power spectrum with fft'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Power (W)'); axis tight; grid on;
%% Spectral analysis with nufft on raw trajectories
frequencyPSD = zeros(n/2, 3);
for i=1:1
% Amplitude spectrum
dft_trajectory = abs(nufft(raw_trajectory(:,i)));
spectrum = dft_trajectory(1:round(m/2)+1);
spectrum(2:end-1) = 2*spectrum(2:end-1);
f = 0:fs/m:fs/2;
plot(f(2:end), spectrum(2:end));
title('Amplitude spectrum with nufft on raw trajectory'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Modulo del Segnale'); axis tight; grid on;
% Power spectrum
psd = dft_trajectory(1:round(m/2)+1);
psd = 1/(fs*m) * psd.^2;
psd(2:end-1) = 2 * psd(2:end-1);
plot(f(2:end), psd(2:end));
title('Power spectrum with nufft on raw trajectory'); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Power (W)'); axis tight; grid on;
hold off
FFT and NUFFT are called at lines 7, 31, 42 and 56.
Thanks for your help!


回答(1 个)

Paul 2023-5-15
In the fft section, the variable dft_trajectory is defined as
% dft_trajectory = abs(fft(raw_trajectory(:,i))/m);
but the nufft section does not include the division by m in its calculation of dft_trajectory. That alone accounts for a big difference.
Also, the raw_trajectory data has some outliers and data drops that should be cleaned up
load raw_trajectory
load clean_frames
load raw_trajectory_ot
[m, n]=size(raw_trajectory);
fs = 240;
tvec = (0:m-1)/fs;
% I was playing aroung here to deal with the outliers, but the data drop at
% around t = 1 second last for quite a long duration.
% raw_trajectory(:,1) = filloutliers(raw_trajectory(:,1),'linear','movmedian',100);
  5 个评论
Paul 2023-5-24
编辑:Paul 2023-5-24
fft and nufft do not use different scaling factors. However, nufft can be very sensitive to a non-zero mean when there are lots of gaps in the data, as is the case in this problem.
load raw_trajectory.mat
load raw_trajectory_ot.mat
load clean_frames.mat
[m, n] = size(raw_trajectory);
fs = 240;
DFT of original data
i = 1;
dft_fft = fft(raw_trajectory(:,i));
f_fft = (0:numel(dft_fft)-1)/numel(dft_fft)*fs;
NUFFT of the "cleaned data"
ytemp = raw_trajectory_ot(~isnan(raw_trajectory_ot(:,i)),i);
ttemp = -1/240+clean_frames(i,~isnan(raw_trajectory_ot(:,i)));
f_nufft = f_fft;
dft_nufft = nufft(ytemp,ttemp,f_nufft);
Compare their magnitude responses
xlim([5 235]),ylim([0 1e5])
The question is, "why does the nufft of the cleaned data have larger magnitude than the fft of the raw data?"
First, let's show that the nufft is essentially the same as the fft when the bad records that are nan-filled are instead zero-filled.
Fill the bad records with zeros and compute the DFT
ytemp1 = raw_trajectory_ot(:,1);
ytemp1(isnan(ytemp1)) = 0;
ttemp1 = (0:m-1)/fs;
dft_fft1 = fft(ytemp1);
Compare the relative error between the nufft of the nan-filled signal and the fft of the zero-filled signal. I'm pretty sure that that with full precision the difference would be identically zero, but with rounding errors the relative error is always less than 4e-9, and usually much less than that.
So, the equivalent question would be, "why does the fft of the zero-filled signal" have such large amplitude?"
Plot the zero-filled signal
The zero-filling causes lots of transients, because the mean of the clean signal is around 1200 and there are lots of bad records that are being filled.
To get rid of the transients, let's subtract the mean of the clean data, then zero-fill the bad records, then add back the mean, then take the DFT
ytemp2 = raw_trajectory_ot(:,1);
mytemp2 = mean(ytemp2,'omitnan');
ytemp2 = ytemp2 - mytemp2;
ytemp2(isnan(ytemp2)) = 0;
ytemp2 = ytemp2 + mytemp2;
ttemp2 = (0:m-1)/fs;
dft_fft2 = fft(ytemp2);
xlim([5 235]),ylim([0 1e5])
We see that subtracting the mean, followed by zero-filling, followed by adding back the mean results in a much lower amplitude spectrum. This suggests that we should subtract the mean before taking the nufft if we don't want to do zero-filling
dft_nufft1 = nufft(ytemp-mean(ytemp),ttemp,f_nufft);
ylim([0 1e5])
Just compare the fft of the original signal and the nufft of the mean-subtracted signal
xlim([5 235])



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